A Look at Overwatch 2 Season 6's Story Mode Missions

The long-awaited PVE content has finally arrived in Overwatch 2, courtesy of the Season 6: Invasion update. Before you dive into these exciting missions, take a moment to explore our comprehensive overview of each story mode mission available in this update.

Credit: Activision Blizzard

The journey to Overwatch 2's PVE content began four years ago at BlizzCon 2019 when the promise of PVE was first revealed. Although not everything from the initial vision has made it to the final game—such as the replayable Hero Missions—some aspects of that vision are now a reality, offering a delightful PVE experience for players to savor.

The initial batch of Story Missions is now accessible, allowing teams of up to four players to engage in a range of unique PVE scenarios set across the globe.

From details about every mission to guidance on accessing the new PVE content, here's everything you need to know.

How to Access Overwatch 2 PVE Missions

To embark on Overwatch 2's first Story Missions, a $15 USD fee is required. The Overwatch 2: Invasion Bundle grants permanent access to all Story Missions, along with 1,000 Overwatch coins, a Legendary Sojourn skin, and a permanent unlock of Sojourn for new players who haven't yet unlocked her.

Once the bundle is purchased, simply navigate through the menus to find the new "Missions" option at the center of the screen. Click through to see Winston's desk, then click on the world map display to initiate your PVE adventure.

Overwatch 2 story missions ui
Credit: Activision Blizzard

How Many Overwatch 2 PVE Missions are in Season 6? 

With the launch of Season 6: Invasion, Overwatch 2 currently offers three Story Missions. Each mission transports players to a different location to thwart the Null Sector invasion, as the name suggests.

The exact timing for the release of more Story Missions remains a mystery. However, the list is expected to expand in upcoming seasons as the plot unfolds.

Overwatch 2 PVE Story Mode Mission List:

  • Resistance - Rio de Janeiro
  • Liberation - Toronto
  • Ironclad - Ironclad

Each of the above Story Missions is playable at four distinct difficulty levels, ranging from Normal to Legendary. A limited selection of characters is available for each mission, with a team of four players completing the squad. If a player drops out at any point, an AI bot will temporarily fill the spot until another human player joins.

Overwatch 2 missions
Credit: Activision Blizzard

Additional Overwatch 2 PVE Mode in Season 6: Underworld Season 6 also introduces the Underworld PVE mode. While not quite on the same level as dedicated Story Missions, this bonus mode immerses players in King's Row, tasking them with defending a location against wave-based attacks.

The Underworld mode can also be played with a team of up to four players, although it doesn't offer the same level of narrative progression found in the primary Story Missions.

And that wraps up the overview of PVE content in Overwatch 2's Season 6: Invasion update. Stay tuned, as we'll keep you updated with any future PVE releases on the horizon.