Aether Gazer Otherworlder – Xuangui Functor Details

Discover details about the Otherworlder – Xuangui functor in Aether Gazer.

Aether Gazer Otherworlder – Xuangui Functor Details
Yostar Games

Aether Gazer’s newest update [Between Pride and Fear] is releasing this week on September 13, 2024. Alongside the update, players can expect the new S-Rank Modifier, Zhiming, and her Signature Functor, Otherworlder – Xuangui.

Otherworlder – Xuangui is a powerful Functor that allows its wielder to deal increased damage while also offering a decent amount of Divine Grace restoration to help with constant damage.

Discover more details below.

Otherworlder – Xuangui Details

Otherworlder – Xuangui

Equipping by Xuanji - Zhiming grants the following effects

  • Increases Independent DMG. Increases the Base DMG of Calculation and Calculation: Hyperorder.
  • The first time an Ultimate Skill or Ultimate Skillchain is cast, True Epiphany is swapped for Calculation: Hyperorder. After that, True Epiphany is swapped for Calculation: Hyperorder every two times an Ultimate Skill or Ultimate Skillchain is cast.
  • Increases the maximum Divine Grace, and restores Divine Grace. Also restores Divine Grace every time Calculation is activated, and every time Calculation: Hyperorder is activated.

Otherworlder – Xuangui is an S-Rank Functor and the Signature Functor of the S-Rank Modifier, Zhiming. It is part of the Tian Yuan Gen-Zone and can only be equipped by characters of that Gen-Zone.

This Functor gives a decent boost in DMG to Zhiming, given that it not only increases the damage of her Calculation effects but also increases the maximum amount of Divine Grace she can store, while even restoring Divine Grace every time Calcuation is cast. This helps Zhiming maintain a constant flow of buffed skills, greatly increasing her damage potential.



How to Get

Players can get Otherworlder – Xuangui by summoning on the Functor banner and choosing the Tian Yuan Gen-Zone. Upon summoning the S-Rank Token for the Tian Yuan Gen-Zone, they can then exchange it for the Otherworlder – Xuangui functor.
