Alan Wake 2 - How to Use the Case Board

Simple Guide to Using the Case Board

Alan Wake 2 - How to Use the Case Board
Remedy Entertainment

What's the Case Board?

It's a big board in the game Alan Wake 2. Saga uses it to keep track of clues and move the story forward.

Case Board1.jpg
Remedy Entertainment



How to See the Case Board:

  1. Go to Saga's Mind Place.
  2. There's a big board on a wall. Go to it to see the clues and questions.
    Remedy Entertainment



Putting Clues on the Board:

  1. When you first look, the board has a case like the "Cauldron Lake Murders Case".
  2. You'll see pictures, strings connecting them, and post-it notes with questions.
    Remedy Entertainment


  3. Your clues show at the screen's bottom.
  4. Pick a clue and decide which question it answers.
    Case Board
    Remedy Entertainment
  5. Drag the clue to the question. If it's right, a string connects them. If wrong, try again.
    Case Board
    Remedy Entertainment


  6. Yellow post-its mean you still need clues. Green means you've answered it.

Finding Clues:

Alan Wake 2 Clues
Remedy Entertainment
  1. Finish certain game goals to get clues.
  2. Explore! Reading things or checking items can give clues.
  3. Special finds like "Alex Casey Lunch Boxes" or puzzles also give clues but for different cases.



Changing the Case on the Board:

Changing Case12.jpg
Remedy Entertainment
  1. Saga has many cases. Only clues for the open case can be added.
  2. To change, press a button (like Square on PlayStation).
  3. A list of cases appears. Pick one to see it on the board.

Remember, if you want to see your main case again, do the same thing.
