Apex Legends Season 21: Best Weapons Tier List

We will be ranking guns in Apex Legends from worst to best so you can win more games in Ranked play.

Apex Legends Season 21: Best Weapons Tier List
Respawn Entertainment, Panic Button Games

Apex Legends launched its newest season 'Upheaval' with a brand new legend along with some balance and map changes. As with every season, new strategies are unveiled as the developers tweak and adjust the power levels of legends and weapons so a lot can shift from season to season.

With that being said, we will review all of the weapons in Apex Legends and find out which are the best of the best so you can more easily climb the ranked ladder and improve your performance in critical situations.

Apex Legends Best Weapons
Respawn Entertainment, Panic Button Games



Tier List Explanation

This tier list will examine the weapons currently available in Apex Legends Season 21.

  • E-Tier: The worst of the worst when it comes to guns.
  • D-Tier: Slightly better, but overall you should avoid getting these weapons as much as possible.
  • C-Tier: Although they can be useful, you are better off with other weapons.
  • B-Tier: Viable and reliable in most situations, you can manage rather decently.
  • A-Tier: Great options but lacking just slightly in terms of damage.
  • S-Tier: The best weapons you can use to ensure you are always victorious.

NOTE: Although this tier list strives to be as objective as possible in terms of viability, you should not limit yourself to strictly adhere to this list, but rather experiment and see which weapon feels fun to play with.

Apex Legends Weapons Tier List
Respawn Entertainment, Panic Button Games

Apex Legends Season 21: E-Tier Weapons

[Pistol] P2020

Respawn Entertainment, Panic Button Games

This is an absolute meme weapon, even when played with HammerPoints.


  • Can do some damage if you have the Hammerpoint Rounds Hop-Up attachment


  • Terrible damage, requires an attachment to be even considered viable



Apex Legends Season 21: D-Tier Weapons

[LMG] M600 Spitfire

M600 Spitfire
Respawn Entertainment, Panic Button Games

[LMG] Rampage LMG

Rampage LMG
Respawn Entertainment, Panic Button Games

[Pistol] RE-45 Auto

RE-45 Auto
Respawn Entertainment, Panic Button Games

Damage falls off quite a lot if your enemy is too far away from you, simply avoid playing with it.


  • Semi-decent starting weapon


  • Terrible scaling and attachments



Apex Legends Season 21: C-Tier Weapons


Respawn Entertainment, Panic Button Games

Although it is in a similar spot as with other LMGs, this weapon goes up the tier list due to its lack of reload.


  • No reload required
  • Can burst down enemy armor quite fast


  • Not favored as LMGs are too clunky given the current meta

[Marksman] Triple Take

Triple Take
Respawn Entertainment, Panic Button Games

Apex Legends Season 21: B-Tier Weapons

[Marksman] 30-30 Repeater

30-30 Repeater
Respawn Entertainment, Panic Button Games

Marksman Riffles are not doing all that well currently due to the recent nerfs.


  • Decent mid-range damage
  • Good poke damage


  • Terrible in close-quarters combat
  • Slow firing speed

[Marksman] G7 Scout

G7 Scout
Respawn Entertainment, Panic Button Games

[SMG] Alternator SMG

Alternator SMG
Respawn Entertainment, Panic Button Games



[Sniper] Charge Rifle

Charge Rifle
Respawn Entertainment, Panic Button Games

[Sniper] Sentinel

Respawn Entertainment, Panic Button Games

[Sniper] Longbow DMR

Longbow DMR
Respawn Entertainment, Panic Button Games

The current meta does not favor long-range poke weapons. 


  • Good for support-type legends
  • Can chip away enemies from a distance


  • Terrible at close range
  • Low impact


Apex Legends Season 21: A-Tier Weapons


Respawn Entertainment, Panic Button Games



[SMG] R-99 SMG


R-99 SMG
Respawn Entertainment, Panic Button Games

[SMG] Volt SMG

Volt SMG
Respawn Entertainment, Panic Button Games

SMGs are great in the current meta as you will be often fighting opponents face to face so you need to ensure you have a reliable burst of damage to knock them down.


  • Reliable sustained damage
  • Great for picking off fleeing enemies


  • Lower damage than other SMGs

[SMG] Prowler Burst PDW


Prowler Burst PDW
Respawn Entertainment, Panic Button Games



[Shotgun] Peacekeeper

Respawn Entertainment, Panic Button Games

[Shotgun] Mastiff Shotgun


Mastiff Shotgun
Respawn Entertainment, Panic Button Games

Shotguns thrive in close-quarters combat so given the current meta, you will be well off using any of these bad boys. 


  • Amazing damage
  • Consistent armor shred


  • Slow fire rate


] Mozambique Shotgun

Mozambique Shotgun
Respawn Entertainment, Panic Button Games



Apex Legends Season 21: S-Tier Weapons

[Pistol] Wingman

Respawn Entertainment, Panic Button Games

This high-risk, high-reward weapon is incredible for every headshot aficionado.


  • Incredible headshot damage
  • Easy to pick up


  • Coinflip potential
  • Requires amazing aim to fully utilize damage

[AR] VK-47 Flatline

VK-47 Flatline
Respawn Entertainment, Panic Button Games

[AR] HAVOC Rifle

Respawn Entertainment, Panic Button Games



[AR] Nemesis Burst AR

Nemesis Burst AR
Respawn Entertainment, Panic Button Games

The assault rifle meta is prevalent as they are amazing at all ranges. Not only can you chip away armor quite efficiently, but you can also lay waste to enemy squads without wasting too many bullets.


  • Great at any distance
  • Superb damage


  • Heavily contested attachments

[AR] R-301 Carbine

R-301 Carbine
Respawn Entertainment, Panic Button Games

[AR] Hemlok Burst AR 

Hemlok Burst AR
Respawn Entertainment, Panic Button Games


Apex Legends Best Weapons Tier List Season 21
Respawn Entertainment, Panic Button Games

Summary of Best Weapons in Apex Legends Season 21

All in all, this list is surely to change based on balance changes the devs implement but it should give you a general idea of which weapons are strong and which might need some additional tuning to become more viable.

Apex Legends can be quite challenging at first, but once you master your favorite Legend and try out these weapons, you should excel in your games a lot more!

Tier Weapons
E-Tier  P2020
D-Tier  M600 Spitfire, Rampage LMG, RE-45 Auto
C-Tier L-STAR EMG, Triple Take
B-Tier 30-30 Repeater, G7 Scout, Alternator SMG, Charge Rifle, Sentinel, Longbow DMR
A-Tier C.A.R. SMG, R-99 SMG, Volt SMG, Prowler Burst PDW, Peacekeeper, Mastiff Shotgun, Mozambique Shotgun

Wingman, VK-47 Flatline, Havoc Rifle, Nemesis Burst AR, R-301 Carbine, Hemlok Burst AR

You can learn more about this tier list by watching our detailed video, here:
