Black Clover M Plaitchidna Raid Guide: Best Team & Strategies

To help players defeat Plaitchidna, here is an in-depth guide covering the best teams and battle strategies in Black Clover M Plaitchidna raid.

Black Clover M Plaitchidna Raid Guide: Best Team & Strategies
Black Clover M Plaitchidna Raid Guide

The popular mobile RPG Black Clover M has added a challenging new raid event featuring the boss Plaitchidna. This shapeshifting foe will put players' skills to the test across two distinct phases. To help players defeat Plaitchidna, here is an in-depth guide covering the best teams and battle strategies in Black Clover M Plaitchidna raid.



Black Clover M Plaitchidna Raid Guide: Best Teams and Battle Strategies

Two phases are happening in the new Black Clover M Plaitchidna Raid and players need to think of the best team and battle strategies to defeat the boss and reap the exclusive rewards. Here is the complete guide to help you:

Plaitchidna Raid Guide Phase 1 Best Team and Strategies

During the first phase, Plaitchidna will constantly inflict damage over time effects through poison and bleeding abilities. It also charges up a devastating ultimate attack that deals bonus damage based on the number of damage over time debuffs on your characters. To counter this, players need to focus on maximizing DPS and taking down Plaitchidna quickly before it can unleash its ultimate.

Role Mages Picture
Attacker Rhya Rhya Black Clover M.png
Yami Yami Black Clover M.jpg
Academy Asta Academy Asta.png
Support Gauche Gauche Black Clover M.png
Finral Finral Black Clover M.png
Sally Sally Black Clover M.png
Rades Rades Spirito.png
Debuffer Charlotte Charlotte Black Clover M.jpg

Useful attackers are Rhya, Yami, and Academy Asta. Support the main DPS with buff-providing allies like Gauche, Finral, Sally, and Rades. Charlotte is also essential for her defense reduction debuffs.

For auto battles, prioritize using buff and debuff skills first to empower the attackers. Defeat Plaitchidna rapidly to avoid the ultimate attack nuke.



Plaitchidna Raid Guide Phase 2 Best Team and Strategies

The second phase introduces new obstacles to overcome. Plaitchidna can now remove debuffs from itself and become immune to them for several turns. It will also buff its own attributes.

Additionally, its upgraded ultimate inflicts massively reduced defenses, leaving your team vulnerable. Focus on attackers like Julius who can overcome the immunities and dish out damage. Bring debuffers like Nebra and Lotus to lock down Plaitchidna's buffs when possible. Mars shines as a defender to taunt the boss.

Role Mages Picture
Attacker Julius Julius Black Clover M.png
Noelle (Swimsuit) Noelle Swimsuit Black Clover M.png
Debuffers Nebra Nebra Silva Black Clover M.png
Lotus Lotus Whomalt Black Clover M.jpg
Nozel Nozel Silva Black Clover M.png
Healers Mimosa Mimosa Clover.png
Charmy (Swimsuit) Charmy Swimsuit Black Clover M.png
Defenders Mars Mars Black Clover M.png

Alternatively, a healer-focused stalling team can work too. Noelle provides barriers, Mimosa and Charmy keep HP up, while Mars tanks with taunts. Prioritize buff blocking and using Mars' taunt for auto setups.



Maximize Exchange Center Rewards

The Plaitchidna raid exchange center offers valuable limited-time rewards to help build your characters. Here are the best purchases:

  • Daily max purchases of stamina and Yul (not the 500 one)
  • SSR Skill Enhancement Page - Very rare, so grab this one first
  • Fragment/Shard/Crystal of Will - Get what you need most

By combining the optimal team builds, battle strategies, and exchange priorities outlined in this guide, Black Clover M players can master the Plaitchidna raid and walk away with spectacular rewards. The snake boss provides a fun challenge for older players and newbies alike.
