Blizzard Acknowledges Issues in Competitive Overwatch, but Immediate Changes are Unlikely

Keller highlighted that many players are concerned about the lack of transparency in the current Overwatch 2 ranked system.

Blizzard Entertainment

In a recent blog post on the official Overwatch website, Overwatch 2 game director Aaron Keller addressed several problems with the game's ranked mode. While he empathized with players' frustrations, he didn't commit to implementing significant changes in the near future.

Keller referred to a YouTube video by content creator Eskay, which highlighted various flaws in the Overwatch 2 ranked system. He acknowledged that his team is actively working to address these issues but cautioned that players shouldn't expect rapid changes.

"I agree with a lot of what has been said—and I want to share a glimpse into what the development team is thinking and the direction that we’re likely to go with Competitive in the future," said Keller. "The team has been working on changes to our Competitive mode for some time, but moderate to major changes to the mode won't find their way into the game until sometime down the road. I won’t be able to address every issue that people are discussing in this piece, but I would like to address some of the major ones."

Keller highlighted that many players are concerned about the lack of transparency in the current Overwatch 2 ranked system. Instances where players get demoted after winning more games than they lose have been a source of frustration. The developers plan to improve this aspect.

"Some feedback we've heard about the current system is that you're not pleased with how much information about the match and your progress is hidden from you," Keller explained. "Going forward, we're shifting our values to provide more transparency to the mode. This doesn't necessarily mean that the older skill rating measurement is or isn't coming back. As we continue to iterate on the possibilities, we very much appreciate your continued feedback. We want you to have a better understanding of what your true rank is and why wins and losses cause it to move up or down based on the general skill level of all players in a match."

Despite Keller's comprehensive blog post, it still lacks clear details about what changes players can expect and when they can expect them. While Blizzard appears willing to address player concerns, gamers are left waiting for concrete dates and specifics regarding improvements to ranked Overwatch, making Keller's comments seem like a form of acknowledgment without immediate action.