Complete Rocket Racing Patch Notes For Update December 19

In this article you will find all the information you need to know about the complete rocket racing patch notes for update December 19.

Complete Rocket Racing Patch Notes For Update December 19
Complete Rocket Racing Patch Notes For Update December 19

The latest Rocket Racing update resolves frustrating queue delays and collision spins for high-ranked racers. Check out the full Rocket Racing patch notes on improvements to queue times, car bumps, and a fix for the Jackie outfit unlock quest - now properly awarded at Gold I rank after the latest update.



Rocket Racing Complete Patch Notes (December 19)

Complete Rocket Racing Patch Notes For Update December 19
Complete Rocket Racing Patch Notes For Update December 19

The Rocket Racing team has released a new update targeting queue times, collisions, and a Jackie outfit quest fix. Here are the complete Rocket Racing Patch notes:

Long Queue Times Addressed

  • High-ranked racers reported experiencing excessively long post-race queue times.
  • Incremental improvements have been implemented to hasten queue joins.
  • Queue times will continue to be closely monitored, with further adjustments made if deemed necessary.



Collision Improvements

  • Car-to-car collisions, especially rear-end bumps, have been causing major rotation issues.
  • Today's update will make collisions less disruptive, preventing severe 180-degree spins.
  • Further collision refinements are in development for future patches.

Jackie Outfit Quest Fix

  • The "Reach Gold Rank" quest was incorrectly awarding the Jackie outfit skin at Gold II.
  • This has now been patched so racers who hit Gold I will complete the quest after finishing one race.
  • Players who already reached Gold I will retroactively unlock Jackie.



This patch focuses heavily on quality-of-life refinements to tackle irritating queue wait times and disruptive collisions for smoother, uninterrupted races. With the Jackie outfit quest also amended, racers of all ranks should now feel properly rewarded for their vehicular achievements going forward.
