Cookie Run Kingdom Wind Piercer of Darkness Update Info

Discover the currently revealed content information for Cookie Run: Kingdom’s newest update, Wind, Piercer of Darkness.

Cookie Run Kingdom Wind Piercer of Darkness Update Info

Cookie Run: Kingdom is preparing to release yet another major update, this time titled [Wind, Piercer of Darkness].

This update will add a ton of new content to the game, such as a new Legendary Cookie, a new element, new toppings, and more.

Discover what we know so far below.

The newest Legendary Cookie that will be joining the game alongside the new update is Wind Archer Cookie.

Wind Archer Cookie is a Range Cookie that uses the skill [Last Wind].

Last Wind

Last Wind

  • Upon transforming, Wind Archer Cookie shoots his Arrow of Gale, pushing back and stunning enemies, and applies the Trace of the Wind and Pursuer debuffs. While transformed, he will become immune to debuffs except for Curse and will shoot his Pursuer's Arrows for his regular attacks.
  • The Pursuer's Arrow attacks up to five enemies with the highest ATK  and applies the Trace of the Wind and Pursuer debuffs to its targets. Once Pursuer reaches max stacks, it will explode and inflict damage proportional to the targets' Max HP, damage nearby enemies, and apply the Trace of the Wind debuff. Wind Archer Cookie applies the Mighty Gale buff to himself whenever he shoots the Pursuer's Arrow.
  • This Guardian Cookie casts Last Wind, which partially ignores the target's DMG Resist and inflicts additional damage to enemies proportional to the number of Mighty Gale stacks. Affected enemies will be trapped in a Cyclone. When entering the battle, Wind Archer Cookie's Max HP increases.



New Costume

With his release, Wind Archer Cookie will also receive a [Legendary] costume titled [Resplendent Wind Guardian].

This costume adds a brand-new set of voice lines for Wind Archer Cookie, so make sure to go over them if you happen to get the costume.

New Skill Element

Cookie Run Kingdom Wind Piercer of Darkness Update Info

The [Wind, Piercer of Darkness] update will add the Wind Skill Element to the game. The cookies that will fall under this element are the following:

  • Wind Archer Cookie
  • Rebel Cookie
  • Pastry Cookie
  • Mint Choco Cookie
  • Kumiho Cookie

Additionally, wind-type cookies will gain a new buff, known as [Tailwind], that increases their ATK SPD and DMG Resist with regular attacks.



New Gacha

Cookie Run Kingdom Wind Piercer of Darkness Update Info

Alongside the update, players will be able to pull on a new gacha titled [WIND-TYPE COOKIE GACHA].

The cookies that will have an increased drop rate during this gacha are:

  • Mint Choco Cookie
  • Kumiho Cookie
  • Rebel Cookie
  • Pastry Cookie

New Toppings

Cookie Run Kingdom Wind Piercer of Darkness Update Info

The update will add a new set of Resonant Toppings titled [LIFE-SPROUTING TOPPINGS].

Resonant Toppings come with increased topping stats and are a good way to boost the strength of your cookies. The cookies that will be able to use this new set of Resonant Toppings are the following:

  • Wind Archer Cookie
  • Rebel Cookie
  • Mint Choco Cookie
  • Pastry Cookie
  • Kumiho Cookie



New Treasures

The [Wind, Piercer of Darkness] will also add two new treasures that players can pull for.

Below are the new treasures and their effects:

Twinkling Starlight Crown

Twinkling Starlight Crown [EPIC]

  • The crown increases the CRIT% and CRIT DMG of the Cookie with the highest ATK for a certain period of time when the Cookie uses their skill. If this Cookie is defeated, the Cookie with the next highest ATK will gain the buff.
Cape of the Vanquisher

Cape of the Vanquisher [EPIC]

  • Wind Pursuer's aura increases all Cookies' ATK SPD and increases Wind-type Cookies' ATK SPD and DMG Resist. The cape grants HP Shield proportional to the target's Max HP once at the beginning of battle.
