Data Miners Reveal Major Diablo 4 Expansion Details

Diablo 4's first expansion is not that far away it seems..

Data Miners Reveal Major Diablo 4 Expansion Details
Blizzard Entertainment

Data miners have uncovered significant details about Diablo 4's upcoming expansion. While the game's second seasonal content update is already making waves, players are eagerly awaiting news about the upcoming expansions, and it seems they won't have to wait much longer. General Manager Rod Ferguson has hinted at Blizzard's plans for annual expansions, and recent data mining has given players a sneak peek.

One exciting tidbit that's been unearthed is the expansion's name: "Lord of Hatred." This suggests that the expansion will focus on Mephisto, who has so far appeared as the bloody wolf in Diablo 4. Given Mephisto's prominent role in the base game's story, this direction makes perfect sense.

Diablo 4 Data Miners Mephisto Expansion
Blizzard Entertainment



Kurast, Followers & New Class

Diablo 4's story has provided ample setup for potential encounters with all of the Prime Evils, and it's possible that we'll see expansions featuring Diablo and Baal in the future.

Data miners have also revealed other intriguing information about the expansion, including references to the returning region of Kurast and a new Mercenaries mechanic. This mechanic will allow players to fight alongside and level up NPC companions, adding an exciting new dynamic to the game.

Diablo 4 Expansion Leaked
Blizzard Entertainment



Furthermore, a new class is in the works for Diablo 4. While it's tentatively referred to as "Spiritborn," it's important to note that this could be a placeholder name. Details about the class are limited, but there are hints of a nature-themed gameplay.

However, players should remain cautious and understand that not all the details uncovered through data mining may make it into the final product. The information comes from an alpha build for the 2.0 update, and there could be changes along the way. As the development progresses, we can expect more concrete information about Diablo 4's first expansion.
