You won't encounter any specific level requirement or mandatory advancement in the main storyline to acquire the Despondent Assassin. All you need to do is journey to Akila City and complete a series of straightforward missions, culminating in the defeat of a boss.
To obtain this legendary rifle, embark on the "Leader of the Pack" mission, which marks the conclusion of three interconnected missions within Akila City.

The initial mission is "Defensive Measures," and you can commence it without any prerequisites. Upon your arrival in Akila City, you'll spot Shepherd's General Store on your left. Proceed past the general store and take a left turn. Immediately upon turning, you'll encounter a group of NPCs engaged in an argument: Davis, Keoni, and Bailey. Listening to their dispute will automatically trigger the "Defensive Measures" mission.
Completing "Defensive Measures" will subsequently trigger the "False Positives" mission, and its completion will lead to "Leader of the Pack," ultimately rewarding you with the Despondent Assassin. These missions are straightforward, providing clear markers for each step, eliminating guesswork or complex problem-solving.
All three missions primarily revolve around addressing Akila City's Ashta issue, culminating in a boss battle that shouldn't pose significant challenges, even at lower character levels.
While you'll have opportunities to make choices during these missions, none of your decisions will affect your eligibility to receive the Despondent Assassin. As long as you successfully complete "Leader of the Pack," Keoni will grant you the Despondent Assassin as a reward.
This legendary Old Earth Hunting Rifle possesses the Demoralizing, Hitman, and Anti-Personnel traits, alongside the Small Magazine and High Powered mods.

Console Command for the Despondent Assassin Legendary Rifle in Starfield
If, for any reason, you prefer not to follow the intended gameplay path, you can employ console commands to spawn the Despondent Assassin. Open the console by pressing the tilde key (located above the tab key on a keyboard) and input the command: "player.placeatme 14920B." This command will spawn the Despondent Assassin at your current location.
While this method exists, it's worth noting that the missions leading to the acquisition of this legendary weapon are straightforward and engaging. However, the choice is yours to make.
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