Diablo 4 Season 2: Nightmare Dungeon XP Tier List

Want to level up quickly while doing Nightmare Dungeons in Season of Blood? Here are the best ones you can do if your primary focus is to level up!

Diablo 4 Season 2: Nightmare Dungeon XP Tier List
Blizzard Entertainment

Welcome to our Nightmare Dungeon tier list for Diablo 4's Season of Blood. Every Diablo 4 season has a different pool of 30 dungeons, which you can run in order to level up your character, upgrade your glyphs and push for the season journey. In this list we are ranking every dungeon in this pool, based on how fast you can level up by running them. The biggest metric will be XP/h, so you the best dungeons are likely to have high mob density and simple layouts. Here is every Nightmare Dungeon ranked:

Diablo 4 Nightmare Dungeon Tier List Experience
Blizzard Entertainment



S Tier - Best Diablo 4 Nightmare Dungeons For Experience

These dungeons have streamlined layouts, easy objectives, and high mob density for efficient leveling. Experienced players can complete them extremely fast:

  • Carrion Fields
  • Light's Watch
  • Flooded Depths
  • Sirocco Caverns
  • Belfry Zakala
  • Sanguine Chapel
Diablo 4 Season of Blood Best Nightmare Dungeons
Blizzard Entertainment



A Tier - Good Diablo 4 Nightmare Dungeons For Experience

While not as optimal for experience farming as S Tier dungeons, A Tier dungeons still offer a lot of value. The XP/h might be slightly worse, but you should definitely run them if you have them:

  • Jalal's Vigil
  • Ghoa Ruins
  • Vault of The Forsaken
  • Luban's Rest
  • Grinning Labyrinth
  • Broken Bulwark
Diablo 4 Season 2 Nightmare Dungeon Tier List
Blizzard Entertainment



B Tier - Average Diablo 4 Nightmare Dungeons For Experience

Mob density and layouts start becoming more and more inefficient. These dungeons should only be done after you have ran out of the better ones above:

  • Tormented Ruins
  • Buried Halls
  • Leviathan's Maw
  • Oldstones
  • Steadfast Barracks
  • Conclave
Diablo 4 Nightmare Dungeons Season 2
Blizzard Entertainment



C Tier - Subpar Diablo 4 Nightmare Dungeons For Experience

These dungeons are very inefficient to run. They have some of the worst layouts, density and objectives in the game. Salvaging these dungeons is not the worst idea:

  • Whispering Vault
  • Forbidden City
  • Heathen's Keep
  • Inferno
  • Renegade's Retreat
  • Bloodsoaked Crag
Diablo 4 Dungeons
Blizzard Entertainment



D Tier - Diablo 4 Nightmare Dungeons to Avoid For Experience

These dungeons should be avoided. They feature poor layouts, challenging objectives, and low mob density, making them highly inefficient for experience farming. Salvage these dungeons and try to create better ones:

  • Fetid Mausoleum
  • Endless Gates
  • Crusaders’ Cathedral
  • Deserted Underpass
  • Sepulcher Of The Forsworn
  • Haunted Ossuary

That is everything you need to know about the best Nightmare Dungeons to run for experience. The best dungeons in this list are going to provide you with a smooth and fun leveling experience in the later stages of the game, while the ones that are on the lower side are going to be extremely irritating to run. Hopefully this guide has helped you pick and choose the best dungeons to run in Season 2. If you are interested in more Diablo 4 content, check out the rest of our website!
