Diablo 4 Season 3: Best Governing Stones Tier List

Diablo 4 Season of the Construct has arrived, and with it, we're evaluating the top Governing stones to enhance your Seneschal Companions.

Diablo 4 Season 3: Best Classes Tier List
Blizzard Entertainment

Diablo 4 officially released Season 3, and with it, we're facing a lot of changes, some of them related to classes. So far, Season of the Construct seems like an amazing journey with promising features, one of them being Seneschal Companions, Governing stones, and Tuning stones. Let's take a look at the best Governing stones to pick in Diablo 4 Season 3, ranked from the most powerful ones to the weakest ones.

Governing and Tuning Stones in Diablo 4
Blizzard Entertainment



S-Tier Governing Stones


Slash effectively pummels enemies situated in front of the Seneschal Construct, delivering serious damage. As the construct's fastest melee attack, Slash provides excellent versatility for applying effects from Tuning Stones. This quick execution enables the efficient application of various effects, including vulnerability, burning, shadow damage over time, or poison. With its fast triggering, Slash seems to be one of the best skills for single-target damage, serving as a consistent source of DPS in Diablo 4.


Tempest is an electrical charge directed at enemies, dealing additional damage each second. Upon defeating an enemy, the governing stone targets another foe, gaining bonus damage. So far, this stands out as one of the most potent attacks governing stones can offer, continuously increasing damage and receiving a boost in the process.



Firefly deploys a small construct that lands on the target and explodes three times, dealing damage. These multiple attacks are great in battle. The single-target damage turned out to be way better than Diablo players expected it to be when the information about the Governing Stones was first released.



A-Tier Governing Stones




Gyrate prompts the Seneschal Construct to quickly whirl its legs, dealing damage to all nearby enemies. In the Season of the Construct, any governing stone that inflicts damage on multiple enemies is highly valuable, making Gyrate a solid and practical choice.


The Seneschal Construct channels a reconstruction beam, healing the player for a portion of their Maximum Life over time. At first, this governing stone isn't impactful enough, but currently, it serves as a great sustainability boost.


Diablo 4 players often prioritize damage, yet sustainability is important as well. Protect creates a protective barrier around you based on a portion of your maximum life. This governing stone will surely prove handy in Diablo 4 Season 3.

Lightning Bolt

As the name suggests, this governing stone launches a bolt of lightning at your enemies, dealing significant damage. Additionally, it arcs to other targets, inflicting a portion of the original damage. The ability to bounce to other targets makes it particularly valuable, especially in challenging situations.


Impale executes a line attack against all enemies in front of the Seneschal Construct, dealing damage. Among the available melee attacks, this skill falls short in terms of DPS, but it's still pretty impressive and a decent choice.



B-Tier Governing Stones


Autodefense periodically creates a projectile-blocking field, offering a safe zone from enemy projectiles. However, it has limitations—it won't work on boss or player projectiles. The catch is that it seems to cast the field on top of itself.


Bushwack quickly ambushes, dealing damage to each target, and it may strike the same target multiple times. This ability not only damages multiple targets but also applies the critical damage mechanic to companions, establishing itself as a decent DPS tool.




C-Tier Governing Stones

Focus Fire

The Seneschal Construct channels a fire ray onto targets, inflicting damage over time, which proves to be quite useful in theory. However, Focus Fire doesn't seem to compare to the rest of the Governing Stones.


This Diablo 4 Governing Stone Tier list will change as Season 3 progresses!
