There are many ways to progress your character in Diablo 4: Vessel of Hatred, from farming Helltides and dungeons, to doing some of the hardest bosses in the game. One underrated way you can earn some extra loot and materials, however, is through the new Zakarum Remnants reputation. By going through each of the different tiers of rewards, you will be able to set yourself for success, with many boss summoning materials and Unique items available for you to earn. In this article, we are going to go over the best ways to farm the new Zakarum Remnants reputation.

Diablo 4 Vessel of Hatred: How to Farm the Zakarum Remnants Reputation
The main way of earning Zakarum Remnants reputation is by defeating Realmwalkers, massive new bosses that will spawn in different regions of the world. When a Realmwalker appears, it will start moving toward a ritual site, summoning waves of enemies along the way. By defeating these enemies, you can gradually weaken the Realmwalker's health. Once the Realmwalker reaches its destination, it will slam into the ground, creating Hatred Spires around it. If you manage to destroy these Spires, the Realmwalker will be defeated, allowing you to enter the portal it leaves behind.
You can continue to earn more Zakarum Remnants reputation by entering the Realmwalker portal, which will transport you to the Seething Realm, a dungeon filled with enemies and traps. This is a pretty standard Diablo 4 dungeon that will reward you with some Seething Opal elixirs once you complete it. These elixirs are the final way for you to earn reputation for the Zakarum Remnants faction. Each monster you defeat while under the influence of the elixir will grant you a certain amount of reputation, with elites and bosses awarding the highest amount.

By interacting with the Realmwalker event - whether it’s the boss itself, the dungeon from its portal, or by using Seething Opal elixirs - you will quickly move through the different ranks of the faction. Make sure to always have an elixir active, so you can earn all the different rewards from the Zakarum Remnants.
That is everything you need to know about the new Zakarum Remnants reputation and how to best go through the different tiers of rewards. With so many crafting materials, boss summoning resources and Unique items tied to this reputation, it's important to try and reach the highest tier possible. For more Diablo 4 news and guides, make sure to check out the rest of our website!