Diablo 4: Vessel of Hatred brings a ton of new Unique items, both in terms of class-specific options, as well as some powerful Mythics, which are going to provide players with new build opportunities. One of these items is the new Heir of Perdition Mythic, which is one of the strongest helmets in the game, allowing players to steal buffs from their enemies, making their character much stronger in the process. This item is very rare, but if you manage to find it, you are going to be able to push your character’s strengths to the limit. Here is how you can find the Heir of Perdition Mythic in Diablo 4 Season 6!

Diablo 4 Vessel of Hatred: How to Get Heir of Perdition (Season 6)
There are a couple of ways to get the Heir of Perdition, but keep in mind that since it’s a Mythic item, it will be very rare, and you are likely going to need to be lucky in more than one way. The best method for farming it by far is doing pinnacle bosses on as high of a Torment difficulty as you can. Each of these bosses has a chance to drop a random Mythic, and while it’s not guaranteed, it’s by far the highest probability in the game. Just make sure to bring a few friends or find some players through the new group finder, so you can rotate in using your boss summoning materials.
Another way of getting the Heir of Perdition is by crafting it, and there are two ways to do it. The first way is through the Blacksmith, where you can create a random Mythic item by using 2 Resplendent Sparks. Resplendent Sparks can be obtained through salvaging Mythic items or by defeating Uber Lilith (or sometimes through a seasonal journey cache). Keep in mind that this method is random, so there is a big chance you will not receive the item you are looking for.

The second crafting method guarantees the Mythic item you are going for, but it also requires 18 Runes, some of which are insanely rare. This method is much more expensive, but in most cases will be worth it as you are going to finally receive the item. Here are the resources required to craft the Heir of Perdition at the Jewelcrafter:
- 2x Resplendent Spark
- 6x Jah Rune
- 6x Que Rune
- 6x Gar Rune
Another method for getting this unique item is through the new Seething Opal equipment elixir, which will greatly increase the number of Legendary and Unique items you can get by defeating enemies. Gambling for helmets at the Purveyor of Curiosities is also an amazing way to increase your chances of getting the item, as the vendor was greatly buffed at the start of this expansion.
A few other ways of getting Heir of Perdition are through Helltides or just any endgame content, as the item has a chance to drop from pretty much everything. Opening up the Boots chests at Helltides will give you a higher chance to find it, so that is another valid option. Sadly, since this is a Mythic item, you are not going to be able to buy it from another player through the trading system. That is everything you need to know about how you can find the Heir of Perdition Mythic item. For more Diablo 4 news and guides, check out the rest of our website!