The highly anticipated mid-season patch for Diablo 4 has officially dropped, and it’s packed with changes designed to keep the rest of the season fresh and exciting. With the Vessel of Hatred expansion shaking up the meta, this update focuses heavily on balancing the various classes, updating items, and making some changes to some of the newly introduced mechanics. The Spiritborn has been the star of the show this season, with the second-best class not even coming close to its power level. This patch aims to address some of that, with the other classes receiving significant buffs, and one of the big winners is definitely the Sorcerer. In this article, we are going to go over the full list of changes happening with the Sorcerer class in Diablo 4's mid-season 2.0.5 update!
Diablo 4: Vessel of Hatred - Patch 2.0.5 All Sorcerer Changes

Mythic Unique Items
+400% Damage to Healthy Enemies replaced with +44% Damage Over Time Duration.
Damage increased from 3000% to 4000%.
Unique Items
Chill per second is now 3 times higher.
Damage distribution time increased from 2 to 3 seconds.
Legendary Aspects
Maximum active Cooldown Reduction increased from 50% to 70%.
Both effects now apply to Basic Skills even when they are not Cast, such as the free Storm Strike triggered from Greatstaff of the Crone.
Increased damage from 96% to 120%.
Before: While Healthy, your casts of Hydra gain 1 additional head.
Now: While Healthy, your casts of Hydra gain 1 additional head and deal 50%[x] increased damage.
Damage increased from 40% to 70%.
Damage per second increased from 101% to 120% up to 136% to 162%.
Key Passives
Increased damage from 250% to 500%.
Before: Your Burning effects deal 60%[x] increased damage, and an additional 4%[x] per unique source of Burning you have applied to the enemy.
Now: Your Burning effects deal 60%[x] increased damage, and an additional 25%[x] of your Bonus Damage to Burning Enemies.
Increased Lucky Hit Chance from 10% to 30%.
Removed double chance for Avalanche to activate against Vulnerable enemies, instead damage is now increased by an additional 25%[x] against Vulnerable enemies.
Unique Items
Reduced minimum cooldown from 4 to 3 seconds and increased the number of charges from 2 to 3.
Legendary Aspects
Now deals critical surge damage from Enhanced Charged Bolts instead of critical flat damage.
Before: After channeling Incinerate for 3 seconds it deals X Critical Fire damage per second for 5 seconds. Casting Incinerate refreshes and maintains this bonus.
Now: After channeling Incinerate for 2 seconds it deals 75-100% increased damage for 5 seconds. Casting Incinerate refreshes and maintains this bonus.
Before: Ice Shards pierce 3-19 times, dealing 25-5% less damage per subsequent enemy hit.
Now: Ice Shards pierce 10 times, dealing 4-10% more damage per subsequent enemy hit.
Increased Ice Spikes bonus from 16.7%[+] to 18.8%[+].
Increased the additional bonus cap from 12.5%[x] to 25%[x].
Increased the additional bonus rate from 2% to 3% and cap from 10%[x] to 18%[x].
And those were all of the changes to the Sorcerer class in Diablo 4's mid-season 2.0.5 update. Hopefully this patch bridges the gap between the different classes, so we can see more diversity by the end of the season. For more Diablo 4 news and guides, make sure to check out the rest of the website!