The Warrior Class is one of the three classes available for players to choose from in Dragon Age: The Veilguard. Warriors are balanced fighters who can both deal damage while also taking a fair amount of it. They usually fight in melee range, so if you’re a player who enjoys being in the heart of battle, taking hits for your companions, while also slaughtering enemies, then the warrior might just be the right class for you. Similar to the remaining two classes, Warriors can specialize into three enhanced classes, which are the Champion, Reaper, and Slayer. Below you can find a breakdown of all the Warrior Class skills from each of the skill sections!
Table of Contents
Warrior Core Skills
Skill Name | Description |
Driving Kick | Focus all your strength and determination into one mighty kick. Deals a very high amount of Stagger and very likely disrupts the target. Detonates Weakened. |
Downfall | Jump attacks guarantee Critical hits if the target is Knocked Down. |
Counterblow | Deflect your enemy’s attack and perform a powerful counterattack. |
Rancor | Rage takes 50% longer to begin to decay. |
Focused Retaliation | Gain Precision after a successful Perfect Defense. |
Flashing Fists | Batter your enemies with repeated, powerful blows. Deals damage to a large area 4 times. |
Tumbling Blades | Striking a Shield Toss with a Shield attack volleys the shield back at enemies up to 3 times, dealing damage each time. |
Shield Volley | Use your speed to unleash a powerful attack immediately after performing a Combat Roll. |
Warrior Survival Skills
Skill Name | Description |
Conditional Surrender | Primers applied by Control Abilities last 20% longer. Detonations triggered by Control Abilities deal 20% more damage. |
Bulwark | Physical Resistance: +10% |
Battlefield Awareness | Control Abilities now deal Critical hits vs. enemies recovering from Knocked Down. |
Good Arm | When a Projectile Ability hits an enemy, the damage ignores all Resistances. |
Fortifying Shots | Defeating an enemy with a Projectile Ability grants Resistant. The duration of Resistant resets if it is already active. |
Depth of Fury | Maximum Rage: +50 |
Improved Throw | Shield Toss damage: +10% |
Improved Health | Health: +100 |
Groundbreaker | Shake and shatter the ground with your weapon, spreading cracks that explode after a short delay. Damage is applied on the initial strike and again a short time later. The secondary explosion applies Burning and is likely to disrupt enemies. Detonates Weakened. |
Providence | Advantage duration: +20% |
Necessary Steps | Primer duration: +20% |
Masochism | You generate 4 Rage when taking damage. |
Reinforced | Defeating an enemy with a Control Ability grants Deflect. |
Refract | Maximum Deflect stacks: +1 |
Ready Guard | Gain Deflect at the start of each encounter. |
Third Degree | Maximum Burning stacks: +1 |
Supercharged | Projectile Abilities deal 75% more damage vs. Barrier. |
Return to Sender | Send incoming projectiles back at your attacker with Perfect Defense. |
Traumatize | Takedown damage: +15% |
Titan Stomp | Create a shockwave around you by slamming into the ground. Deals very high Stagger to nearby enemies. Applies Overwhelm. |
Warrior Abilities Skills
Skill Name | Description |
Deadly Ground | Create a Necrotic field at your current location. Enemies caught inside the field take constant damage until they escape. Grants Enhanced Damage while you are inside the field. |
Critical Power | Gain Enhanced Damage on Critical hits. |
Arm's Reach | The effects of Smash Abilities cover a greater distance. The distance depends on the Ability. |
Enduring Rage | Your Rage no longer decays below 50, allowing you to sustain it between fights. |
Depth of Fury | Maximum Rage: +50 |
Death's Blessing | Necrotic damage: +10% |
Explosive Toss | Charging your Shield Toss at least one level and then pressing Light attack will toss an explosive version of the shield, causing it to deal damage in an area around the target. This attack has a high chance to disrupt enemies. |
Enraged | Rage generation: +10% |
Enervation | Damage vs. Barrier: +20% |
Killer Instinct | Stagger from Abilities: +20% |
Inspiring Strength | Defeating an enemy with a Smash Ability grants Rally Party. |
Insidious Rot | Maximum Necrosis stacks: +1 |
Shellbreaker | Damage vs. Armor: +20% |
Salt in the Wound | Hitting enemies with a Duration Ability adds 1 stack to all active Afflictions on the target. |
Providence | Advantage duration: +20% |
Time Management | Effects of Duration Abilities are increased by 50%. |
Spectral Bulwark | Hone your guard and protect yourself from enemies foolish enough to attack. Enemies who hit you with a melee attack take damage and very high Stagger. Increases Defense by 50% while active. |
Shieldbreaker | Breaking an enemy's Armor or Barrier with a Smash Ability grants Enhanced Damage. |
Wrath | Critical damage: +10% |
Unyielding Focus | Using a Duration Ability grants Immovable. |
Warrior Weapons Skills
Skill Name | Description |
Cleaving Strike | A large, sweeping strike pushes a damaging wave over the battlefield. Damage dealt increases with distance from the target while applying Bleeding on hit. |
Breathing Room | The scope of Area Abilities is greatly increased. |
Bloody Vengeance | Charged attacks with Swords or Axes apply Bleeding to enemies. Charged attacks with Mauls or Shields deal 15% bonus damage vs. Bleeding enemies. |
Dazzle | Hitting multiple enemies with a single Area Ability grants Quickened. |
Critical Leverage | Strike Abilities are guaranteed to do Critical damage vs. enemies more than 10 meters away. |
Concentration | Charged attack damage: +10% |
Desolate Malady | Affliction damage: +10% |
Depth of Fury | Maximum Rage: +50 |
Decisive Finish |
Fury of the Forge | Burning steel blades rain down on your enemies. Applies Burning on impact. |
Fighting Dirty | Hitting enemies with a Strike Ability applies an Affliction aligned with the Ability's damage type. |
Determined Death | You can now hold down your Final attacks, strengthening their impacts. Releasing with perfect timing adds a powerful effect based on your weapon type. |
Spill Blood | Maximum Bleeding stacks: +1 |
Punisher | Damage dealt by Strike Abilities vs. enemies with Low Health increases by 25%. |
Incite Violence | Generate 15% more Rage from weapon attacks. This value is doubled vs. enemies suffering from an Affliction. |
Velocity | Stagger from weapon attacks: +20% |
Underestimated | Light attack damage vs. health: +10% |
Staggering Finale | Stagger from Final attacks: +20% |
Wrath | Critical damage: +10% |
Wear and Tear | Damage from Area Abilities gain 30% Penetration. |
Warrior Lord of Fortune Skills
Skill Name | Description |
Bulwark (Penetration) | Penetration: +15% |
Bulwark | Physical Resistance: +10% |
Blunt Force | Enemies are Knocked Down when their Armor breaks. |
Executioner's Gaze | Final attacks are Critical hits vs. enemies with Low Health. |
Concussive Smash | Hitting enemies with a Smash Ability permanently reduces their Defense by 20. |
Concentration | Charged attack damage: +10% |
Heavy Hitter | Heavy attack damage: +10% |
Guardian's Reprieve | Performing a Takedown heals you for 250 health and grants Deflect. |
Flames of Victory | Gain Flaming Weapons on a successful Takedown. You generate 25% more Stagger from weapon hits while Flaming Weapons is active. |
Precision Strikes | Hitting enemies with a Strike Ability deals increased damage equal to 50% of your base Weakpoint damage. |
Overhand Smash | Smash Abilities now deal an additional 50% damage vs. Armor and deal 50% more Stagger. |
Medium Armor Mastery |
While wearing a Medium Helm and Armor:
Shellbreaker | Damage vs. Armor: +20% |
Rolling Thunder | After Charged attacks, use a Light attack or Heavy attack to follow up with an additional powerful Charged attack. |
Quick Strikes | Defeating an enemy with a Strike Ability replenishes 25 Rage. |
Whirlwind | Unleash a whirlwind of steel that damages everything it hits and ends with a final massive blow. The final hit deals increased damage and Stagger. It is also highly likely to disrupt enemies. |
Triple Threat | Equipping an Ability of each damage type increases Ability damage by 20%. |
Staggering Charge | Stagger from Charged attacks: +20% |
Warrior Grey Warden Skills
Skill Name | Description |
Breathing Room | The scope of Area Abilities is greatly increased. |
Battlefield Awareness | When you interrupt an enemy in the middle of an attack with a Control Ability, you deal 15% bonus damage. |
Arcane Defiance |
Explosive Anger | Spending Rage deals 200% of the cost as Fire damage to enemies within 6 meters. |
Enraged | Rage generation: +10% |
Collateral Damage | Hitting multiple enemies with a single Area Ability deals 10% more damage for each enemy hit. |
Grappling Spear | Harpoon your targets with a strong throw and drag them in for a closer encounter. Pulls your target toward you. Press Light or Heavy to perform a follow-up attack that deals Physical damage with a high chance to disrupt enemies. Applies Overwhelm. |
Fiery Resolve | Gain Flaming Weapons on Perfect Defense. Flaming Weapons lasts 50% longer. |
Falter | Using Control Ability attacks vs. enemies with High Health deals 100% additional Stagger. |
Pump the Primer | Overwhelmed and Sundered are 20% more effective. |
Heavy Hitter | Heavy attack damage: +10% |
Heavy Armor Mastery | While wearing a Heavy Vitaar and Armor: Defense +20%. You are now less likely to be disrupted when getting hit. |
Staggering Charge | Stagger from Charged attack: +20% |
Sly Strike | Agile, Charged, and Final attacks deal 15% bonus damage to enemies suffering from an Affliction. |
Reinforcement | Each of your active Advantages increases damage dealt by 10%. |
Wildfire | Fire damage: +10% |
Unbroken Finale | Add a powerful Shield Final attack to the end of your Attack Chain. |
Traumatize | Takedown damage: +15% |
Warrior Mourn Watch Skills
Skill Name | Description |
Defy the Elements |
Carom | Enemies take 100% more damage and Stagger from environmental impacts. |
Bloody Advance | Throw a fan of blades that seek out and impale nearby enemies. Applies Bleeding. While enemies are still impaled, a charged Shield Toss will cause a burst of damage to nearby enemies. Applies Sundered. |
Eclectic Armorer |
While wearing different classifications of Helm and Armor:
Double Shot | Activating any Projectile Ability also launches a projectile, dealing 100 damage to a nearby enemy. |
Desolate Malady | Affliction damage: +10% |
Lingering Decay | Duration Abilities apply Necrosis on impact. |
Ignition | Gain Flaming Weapons after defeating an enemy with a Weakpoint hit. Flaming Weapons deals +25% damage. |
Enervation | Damage vs. Barrier: +20% |
Necessary Steps | Primer duration: +20% |
Mortal Wounds | Weakpoint damage: +10% |
Master Throw | Shield Toss can now be charged up an additional level. |
Shot Chaser | Using a Projectile Ability deals an additional 10% damage relative to the number of possible Shield Toss bounces. |
Seething Pitch | Shield Toss now generates 2 additional Rage on impact. Striking Weakpoints doubles the effect. |
Ricochet Shot | Shield Toss bounces: +1 |
Staying Power | For each active Duration Ability's effect, you take 5% less damage from all sources. |
Staggering Toss | Shield Toss converts 25% of your current Rage into Stagger. |
Slam | Performing a Takedown generates an additional 20% Ultimate and 50 Rage. |
This covers all of the skills for the Warrior Class in Dragon Age: The Veilguard!