Dragon's Dogma 2: How to Escape From Jail

Let's take a look at how to get out of prison and how to make guards stop attacking you in DD2.

Dragon's Dogma 2: How to Stop NPCs and Guards from being Hostile

At some point sooner or later, you will be spending some time in prison in Dragon's Dogma 2. I don't judge. You might be there as part of a quest or because you went somewhere you shouldn't go. You might have killed groups of NPCs. Who cares? The problem is how to get out and make sure you stay out. That's what we are here for. 

There are multiple ways to escape jail in Dragon's Dogma 2. Let's see what the best option is for you.

How to Escape the Gaol in Dragon's Dogma 2

If guards kill you in Dragon's Dogma 2, you will not die but you find yourself in prison, or gaol, dressed in rags. You do have your keys available so when you see a merchant with a Makeshift Gaol Key for sale make sure you buy it. It's not a get-out-of-jail card but it's close enough. 

Dragon's Dogma 2 How to Escape Prison



The downside is that Makeshift Gaol Keys have one use only. Getting out of your cell is only the first step in Dragon's Dogma 2. You will need another two to get out of the prison itself or you can sneak past the guards and make a break for it. Sprinting as fast as you can is also a proven way to avoid recapture. 

During one of the main quests, Captain Brant will give you the proper key for the gaol. This can open as many doors as you like without breaking. The only problem is that you will need to give the key back when you finish the mission. Or do you?

As soon as Brant gives you the key, head to the Checkpoint Rest Town and talk to Ibrahim. He will be willing to create a forgery of everything in your inventory, including the Gaol Key. Wait a couple of days for the duplicate and continue the quest. When you return the key, you will have a copy for future trips to the slammer in Dragon's Dogma 2. 

Dragon's Dogma 2 How to Escape Prison Ibrahim



If you do not have the key and still find yourself in the gaol, you can still get out. The first option is to bribe the guard. This will cost a large chunk of your savings. The exact amount needed will depend on how much you are carrying so you will always have enough but it's not worth it

Check the pot in the cell. There should be a large ceramic vessel in the room. If you break it open, there is a chance you will find a Makeshift Gaol Key. This does not always happen but it's worth checking before making your escape.

Another option is to go through the sewers. Check each wall for any cracks or weaknesses and smash through. Bats and rats will be waiting for you in the dark but this can lead to some new areas to explore. Who knows, you might find some interesting loot in your escape. 

Dragon's Dogma 2 How to Escape Prison Sewers

Your gear returns to you automatically as you distance yourself from the gaol so don't worry about leaving anything behind. Maybe your Pawn brings everything along, but don't question it and run.



How to Stop Guards Sending You to Prison In Dragon's Dogma 2

Now you are out of gaol in Dragon's Dogma 2, it might be a good idea to stay out. The next time guards attack you, run away. There is no upside in standing and fighting. 

Dragon's Dogma 2 How to Stop Guards Sending you to Prison

The good news is that most NPCs and monsters don't have the best attention span. If you break line-of-sight and hide for a few minutes, they will forget about you and go back to their daily lives. Be sure to call your Pawns away and go back later to complete whatever you were trying to do.

That is everything you need to know about surviving prison in Dragon's Dogma 2. Don't waste your gold by bribing the guards. There are so many options available, so don't give them the satisfaction. I hope this helped make your criminal career easier.
