Dune 2 Breaks IMDb Record With 9.4 Rating Before Release

Dune 2 breaks records with 9.4 IMDb rating even before release, signaling potential masterpiece!

Dune 2 Breaks IMDb Record With 9.4 Rating Before Release
Dune 2 Breaks IMDb Record With 9.4 Rating Before Release

Denis Villeneuve’s highly anticipated Dune: Part Two film has incredibly earned the highest IMDb rating ever despite not yet being released in theaters worldwide. This lofty score surpasses previous record-holders like Avengers: Endgame and Avatar to take the #1 spot of best-rated movies on the platform.

How Does Dune 2 Have Such a High Score?

How Does Dune 2 Have Such a High Score?
How Does Dune 2 Have Such a High Score?

As of February 28th, Dune: Part Two had received 69 reviews from early press screenings ahead of its March 1st wide theatrical debut.

These initial reviews were overwhelmingly positive, with only 2 one-star ratings amidst a 10 out of 10 takes on the sci-fi sequel. IMDb notes that in cases of unusually unbalanced voting activity either very high or low, an alternate weighted rating formula may apply to preserve system reliability.

This mathematical adjustment resulted in the 9.4 score despite an "unweighted mean" rating of 9.17 - still extremely high praise.





First Reactions of Dune: Part Two from Press

First Reactions of Dune: Part Two from Press
First Reactions of Dune: Part Two from Press

Top-rated press reviews applauded Dune: Part Two’s exceptional direction, breathtaking visuals, and complex story development. The film expands on characters from the first while introducing intriguing new ones. Critics describe an unparalleled sci-fi achievement that pushes creative boundaries.





How Does This Rating Impact Dune 2's Legacy?

How Does This Rating Impact Dune 2's Legacy?
How Does This Rating Impact Dune 2's Legacy?

Earning the #1 IMDb movie rating cements Dune as an all-time genre great. It reflects Denis Villeneuve’s brilliance in tackling Frank Herbert’s iconic novel - the awe-inspiring adaptation driving anticipation and acclaim.

The rating also bodes well for impressive box office returns, potentially reaching $175 million globally - proving the universal appeal. Dune: Part Two may flourish further during next year’s awards season as well.

While the early score could certainly change upon wider release, this initial reception foreshadows a new sci-fi masterpiece leaving a lasting legacy. If you want to know more about the trailer, cast, and plot for Dune: Part 2, you can check our article here.

