Factorio: Space Age Expansion - Features & Price

The new expansion of Factorio has launched - here is everything you need to know about Factorio: Space Age.

Factorio: Space Age Expansion - Features & Price
Wube Software LTD

After a long, long wait, fans of Factorio finally get to enjoy their first major expansion pack! Factorio: Space Age is wildly bigger than the base game and launched on October 21, 2024. Alongside the expansion, the base game is getting a free 2.0 update as well! Let's discuss everything the expansion will feature and how much it costs.



Factorio: Space Age Expansion - Features

The madly addictive Factorio is getting a DLC, and we're about to spend the next 2 weeks gladly giving in to this addiction. Factorio: Space Age will let players continue their journey after sending rockets off to space! You can now visit 5 planets and explore the challenges they offer you, enjoy brand new elevated train tracks, and a vast array of technological advancements! Let's look at what the expansion has in store for us.

Space Platforms

Factorio: Space Age Expansion - Features & Price
Wube Software LTD

Every space exploration mission starts somewhere—space platforms are the backbone of planetary logistics and the first foray into space.

  • Build defenses to shoot down incoming asteroids that threaten to smash your platform.
  • Catch asteroid chunks, crush them, and process them into thruster fuel and turret ammunition.
  • Use the Platform hub and Cargo bays to shuttle cargo between planets.

Elevated Rails

Factorio: Space Age Expansion - Features & Price
Wube Software LTD

Take your trains to the next level! Elevated rails bring a whole new dimension of challenge and possibility to your rail networks.

  • Heavy-duty rail ramps and supports to elevate your rails.
  • Cross over any obstacles; build supports on the water to cross oceans.
  • Design advanced multi-level intersections to optimize your train system.




Factorio: Space Age Expansion - Features & Price
Wube Software LTD

Now all of your items, machines, and equipment can be upgraded for a higher quality. There are 5 possible qualities, from Normal to Legendary!

  • Research the new Quality modules, and use them to craft higher quality items and intermediates.
  • Each level of quality gives a greater bonus, machines craft faster, equipment is more powerful, turrets have increased range, etc.


Factorio: Space Age Expansion - Features & Price
Wube Software LTD

Vulcanus is a new volcanic planet. Its surface is divided between three distinct biomes: mountains, ashlands, and lava basins.

  • Extract and refine tough unbreakable Tungsten to craft big mining drills and foundries.
  • Pull lava from the pits to produce an abundance of molten iron and copper.
  • Research advanced metallurgic technologies to build an industrial forge-world.




Factorio: Space Age Expansion - Features & Price
Wube Software LTD

Fulgora is a new barren desert planet. Its surface is split between island-like plateaus and deep oilsands, and electric storms rage at night.

  • Protect yourself from the nightly lightning storms and harness their unrelenting power for your own electricity needs.
  • Reclaim the high-tech scraps and ruins of a long-forgotten civilization and recycle them into usable products.
  • Unlock the advanced electromagnetic and superconducting powers of Holmium.


Factorio: Space Age Expansion - Features & Price
Wube Software LTD

A vibrant multi-colored swampy landscape shrouded in a light mist. The air is thick and humid, carrying the muffled cries of unseen animals from far away.

  • Discover exotic plants, and cultivate and harvest their fruits with Agriculture towers.
  • Cook, crush, and process your produce before it rots and turns to spoilage.
  • Venture into a new realm of biochemical engineering.


Factorio: Space Age Expansion - Features & Price
Wube Software LTD

Aquilo is a new icy ocean planet. Its surface is almost completely covered in liquid ammonia, and the only land is in the form of icebergs.

  • Build heat pipes to keep your machines from freezing.
  • Extend your factory by building ice platforms.
  • Unlock the power of cryogenic technologies and fusion power.



Factorio: Space Age Expansion - Price & Trailer

Factorio: Space Age Expansion - Features & Price
Wube Software LTD

Hours of professionally recorded orchestral music, brand new technology, and monsters to fight, and five unique planets to explore—what more can we really ask for? If you get the Factorio: Space Age Expansion, you can toggle all these new features on and off at your will!

  • Price: $35.00
  • Platforms: PC

Here you can watch the official launch trailer to get a sense of what to expect:
