With Square Enix's new release becoming an instant success, many people are worrying they are missing things as they run through the game. Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth has a multitude of side quests, amazing weapons, and powerful abilities. Summons will be another arrow in your quiver as you explore an open world and fight terrifying monsters.
FF7 Rebirth: What are Summons?
Summons have been a part of the Final Fantasy franchise since the 1990 classical game Final Fantasy 3. They have had different roles in the games, sometimes being nothing more than devastating abilities, other times being major plot points. Depending on the storyline, characters have described them as powerful monsters or sometimes gods.
Their roles have shifted depending on the game and their names have also changed. Square Enix has called them:
- Summons
- Eidolons
- Espers
- Guardian Forces
- Aeons
- Astrals
- Primals
- Eikons
- Avatars
In the latest release in the Final Fantasy franchise, the Summons can join you in battle. Your characters will have to equip them before you can summon them to your side. They will deal damage to your opponents and give you a boost to your stats. Be sure not to miss any.
FF7 Rebirth: Where to Find All Summons
Let's take a look at each of the Summons available in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth and where to find them.
Moogle Trio

If you pre-ordered the game, you can claim the Moogle Trio in the Bonus section of the main menu. Square has not announced whether this Summon will eventually be available in a different way.
Magic Pot

Magic Pot is only available if you have purchased the Digital Deluxe Edition version of FF7 Rebirth. As with Moogle Trio, we do not know if this Summon will be available in any other way.

To obtain Leviathan, you must have a Final Fantasy 7 Remake save file on your hard drive. You can claim it in the Bonus section of the main menu.

Similarly to Leviathan, you need a save file from the FF7 Remake's DLC Episode INTERmission on your hard drive.
Chocobo and Mog

This Summon comes automatically. It will come to you early in the game.

Considering the characters found Ifrit in FF7 Remake, this Summon will be with you from the beginning of the game.

Shiva is the same as Ifrit. You will always have this Summon.

When you reach the Grasslands, talk to Chadley. He will give you the chance to defeat Titan in the Combat Simulator. This will give you the Red Materia needed. Complete Divine Intel missions in the Grasslands to strengthen this Summon.

In Chapter 4, when you reach Junon, talk to Chadley and fight the Phoenix in the Combat Simulator. As with Titan, completing Divine Intel missions in the area will strengthen this Summon.

When you reach the Corel region, speak to Chadley in the Costa Del Sol area. This will be in Chapter 6. Defeat Alexander in the Combat Simulator and strengthen the Summon with Divine Intel quests in the area.

Talk to Chadley in the Gongaga region when you reach Chapter 9. Defeat Kujata in the Combat Simulator to get the Red Materia needed. Don't forget the Divine Intel missions.
Bahamut Arisen

In Chapter 10, speak to Chadley in the Cosmo Canyon region. Defeat the powerful dragon in the Combat Simulator and complete Divine Intel missions.

In Chapter 11, talk to Chadley in the Nibel region. Fight Odin in the Combat Simulator and strengthen the Summon with Divine Intel quests.

Gilgamesh will make appearances throughout the game as you complete Protorelic quests. You will find the first in the Grasslands. On completing the quest line, Gilgamesh will challenge you. Defeat him and claim him as a new Summon.
We know more Summons are available to Square Enix so we may see more in the third part of the FF7 Remake trilogy. These creatures are some of the game's hardest battles, so be careful. You will gain them as new Summons, making the struggle worthwhile.