For Honor Tier List: All Heroes Ranked January 2024

Updated 2024 For Honor tier list ranking For Honor's top heroes from S-tier to bottom tier for winning more duels.

For Honor Tier List: All Heroes Ranked January 2024
For Honor Tier List: All Heroes Ranked January 2024

Mastering combat in For Honor requires selecting the right hero that matches your playstyle. This updated For Honor Tier List ranks all 29 warriors across categories from best to worst so you know who reigns supreme in 2024.



For Honor Tier List: God Tier

The elite of the elite; these S-tier heroes have exceptional attacks and defense that can overpower nearly any opponent:

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Conqueror (Knights)


An impenetrable heavyweight with strong defense

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Kyoshin (Samurai)


A balanced swordfighter that can counter any attack.

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Jiang Jun (Wu Lin)


It deals insane damage and saps enemies' stamina.

  • Warmonger
  • Shaolin
  • Berserker



For Honor Tier List: Top Tier

Still incredibly powerful, these A-tier warriors can defeat most adversaries in skilled hands:

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Kensei (Samurai)


Swift versatile vanguard that dominates duels.

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Berserker (Vikings)


Relentless dual-axe wielder with infinite chains.

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Black Prior (Knights)


The supreme defender that counters attacks.

  • Shinobi
  • Warlord
  • Nuxia
  • Raider
  • Gryphon



For Honor Tier List: Mid Tier

The B-tier fighters are fairly decent in specific situations but struggle against top picks:

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Shaman (Vikings)


A bleed-focused assassin with chase skills.

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Zhanhu (Wu Lin)


A fire-based duelist with wide-arcing attacks.

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Highlander (Vikings)


Slow hard hitter that requires mastery.

  • Jormungandr
  • Afeera



For Honor Tier List: Low Tier

Weakest of the bunch, these C-tier heroes lose most fights and are best avoided:

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Lawbringer (Knights)

Has poor offense despite armored defense.

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Valkyrie (Vikings)


Low damage and easy-to-counter moveset.

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Centurion (Knights)


Telegraphed attacks make this brawler predictable. 

  • Nobushi
  • Orochi 
  • Peacekeeper
  • Aramusha
  • Tiandi
  • Warden
  • Gladiator



For Honor Tier List: Summary Table

Tier Heroes
God Tier Conqueror, Kyoshin, Jiang Jun, Warmonger, Shaolin, Berserker
Top Tier Kensei, Berserker, Black Prior, Shinobi, Warlord, Nuxia, Raider, Gryphon
Mid Tier Shaman, Zhanhu, Highlander, Jormungandr, Afeera
Low Tier Lawbringer, Valkyrie, Centurion, Nobushi, Orochi, Peacekeeper, Aramusha, Tiandi, Warden, Gladiator



Skill matters most, but choosing the right hero gives you an edge. Use these For Honor tiers when assembling your squad for maximum results!
