Fortnite New Vehicle Feature Leaks: Release Window Speculation & Other Details

We will go over the Fortnite new vehicle feature leaks, including its possible release window and other speculated details. 

Fortnite New Vehicle Feature Leaks: Release Date & Other Details
Fortnite New Vehicle Feature Leaks: Release Date & Other Details

Please note that the information in this article is based on speculation and leaks. It is NOT officially confirmed by Epic Games. Read at your own risk.

Exciting new information has surfaced about a potential upcoming vehicle feature in Fortnite. According to recent leaks, Epic Games may be working on implementing a car hijacking mechanic in future Chapter 5 updates. This addition could bring more unpredictability and thrill to the driving experience in Fortnite. Here are the details about Fortnite's new vehicle feature leaks in future updates.

Release Window Speculation and Availability

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Unfortunately, there is no set release timeline for the rumored hijacking feature yet. Epic Games has not officially confirmed that this mechanic is in development. The leaks are subject to change as well.

However, considering hijacking seems like a relatively minor addition compared to other major gameplay overhauls, it wouldn’t be surprising to see it introduced sometime during Chapter 5. Fortnite fans eagerly await official details from Epic Games.



About Fortnite Vehicle Feature Leaks

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The leaks come from notable Fortnite insiders on Twitter, including user Loolo_WRLD.

  • Reportedly, the new system will allow players to hijack and take control of vehicles driven by other users.
  • To hijack a car, players would need to approach the vehicle and activate the hijacking input.

However, the leaks indicate there will be certain limitations in place. Hijacking attempts could fail if the vehicle is moving too quickly, makes a sharp turn, or crashes during the hijacking. Players could also cancel the hijacking manually. After a failed or canceled attempt, there would be a cooldown period before trying again.



Potential Impact on Gameplay

If implemented, this new mechanic could significantly affect gameplay dynamics and tactics. The possibility of having your car hijacked will force players to be more careful and strategic with their vehicles. Meanwhile, hijacking enemy vehicles could enable bold, aggressive plays.

The leaks have sparked excitement, as hijacking would open up new avenues for the mischief and chaos that makes Fortnite fun. Players are already brainstorming creative ways to utilize this mechanic for highlight-reel plays and moments.



History of Vehicles in Fortnite

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Vehicles have gone through an evolution in Fortnite over the years.

  • Shopping carts were the first controllable vehicles added back in Season 4, but offered limited maneuverability.
  • The ATK was then introduced in Season 5 as the first fully drivable vehicle option.

Since then, Fortnite has continued expanding and diversifying its selection of cars, trucks, and other vehicles through collaborations with major auto brands like Lamborghini. The recent additions of Rocket League-based Rocket Racing modes have also kept the focus on enhancing vehicular gameplay.




  • Recent leaks suggest car hijacking may be added in future updates

  • Would allow players to take control of other players' vehicles

  • Limitations likely imposed to prevent exploitation

  • Adds unpredictability and new tactics to vehicle gameplay

  • Mechanic would enable new creative and chaotic moments

  • No official confirmation yet on the release timeline. Speculated for Chapter 5
