Fortnite Reboot Rally Event Guide: How to Participate & Earn Rewards

Learn how to participate in the Fortnite Reboot Rally event and earn exclusive rewards like the Forsaken Eye wrap and Reckoner's Blades.

Fortnite Reboot Rally Event Guide: How to Participate & Earn Rewards
Epic Games

Fortnite's Reboot Rally event is back for Chapter 5 Season 2, offering players a chance to earn exclusive cosmetic items. The event, which runs from April 2 to May 3, 2024, encourages active players to team up with new or returning players to complete quests and earn points together.

How to Participate in the Reboot Rally Event

Epic Games

To participate in the Reboot Rally event, players must first determine their eligibility. Those who have played less than two hours of Fortnite between March 3 and April 2 are considered new or returning players. They can only participate if they team up with active players who have played for more than two hours during the same period.

Active players can invite new or returning players by using the "Rally 'Em Back" option in the Friends tab. This action completes one of the Reboot Rally Quests. To earn more points, players must complete additional quests together.



Reboot Rally Quests and Points

Quests Points
Rally friends from their profile or the Reboot Rally event panel 50
Complete a Battle Royale match with an eligible friend 10
Earn XP with an eligible friend in Battle Royale, Zero Build, Team Rumble, Save the World, or any creator-made experience (repeatable) 20




Reboot Rally Rewards

As players accumulate points during the event, they can unlock exclusive cosmetic rewards:

Points Reward Image
50 Forsaken Eye wrap rewardthree-764x424-c452ed965a0d.png
100 Hailstorm Rider glider rewardone-764x424-5d943f50f50d.png
200 Reckoner's Blades harvesting tool rewardtwo-764x424-d0faa74504b9.png

These rewards will not be available after the event ends on May 3, 2024, at 9 AM ET. Therefore, players who wish to expand their in-game collections must act quickly and earn the required points before the deadline.
