Fortnite "Sorry, You Are Visiting Our Service Too Often" Error: Causes & Fix

Common Fortnite login error explained - what causes account lockouts from "Sorry, you are visiting our service too often" message and how to fix ban.

Fortnite "Sorry, You Are Visiting Our Service Too Often" Error: Causes &  Fix
Fortnite "Sorry, You Are Visiting Our Service Too Often" Error: Causes &  Fix

Many Fortnite players have encountered the frustrating "Sorry, you are visiting our service too often" error when trying to log in. This essentially locks you out of playing for some time. What causes this login cooldown and how can you get around it?

This error is one of Fortnite's methods to combat potential fraud, hacking attempts, and abuse. Logging in from multiple locations in quick succession or inputting incorrect passwords frequently can trigger the message. Your account hasn't been suspended but does require a cool-down period before logging in again. In this article, we will look at how to fix the Fortnite "Sorry, You Are Visiting Our Service Too Often" Error.



What Causes the Fortnite "Sorry, You Are Visiting Our Service Too Often" Error Message

Fortnite "Sorry, you are visiting our service too often" error
Fortnite "Sorry, you are visiting our service too often" error

Epic imposes temporary login limits if unusual behavior like login attempts from multiple countries in a short time frame is detected. Potential reasons include:

  • Playing on multiple devices and forgetting to fully log in before switching
  • VPN or proxy connections make your location appear to rapidly change
  • Inputting an incorrect password too many times
  • Automated login attempts from third-party tools

Essentially, anything that seems like botted login efforts or compromised account checks will enact the “Sorry, you are visiting our service too often” error message as a protective measure.



How Long Does the Login Cooldown Last?

Fortnite "Sorry, you are visiting our service too often" error
Fortnite "Sorry, you are visiting our service too often" error

The login cooldown period typically lasts around an hour but can extend longer if suspicious behavior continues.

Giving it the full cool-down timeframe before attempting to reconnect is advised. Retry logging in after playing another game for a bit or taking a break.



How to Fix Fortnite "Sorry, you are visiting our service too often" Error

Fortnite "Sorry, you are visiting our service too often" error
Fortnite "Sorry, you are visiting our service too often" error

To address what triggered it and avoid this error when playing Fortnite:

  • Fully log out of Fortnite before switching PCs or devices
  • Disable VPN connections that alter your virtual location
  • Carefully type account passwords or utilize a password manager
  • Refrain from using third-party Fortnite bots or tools
  • If problems persist, contact Epic Support for account investigation

Essentially, only manually log into your Epic account from one location at a time. Restrict anything that gives the appearance you are rapidly logging in across regions or programmatically inputting passwords incorrectly.



Enable Two Factor For Added Security

Fortnite Error
Fortnite Error

Adding two-factor authentication through email or authenticator apps also protects against unwarranted automated logins. Requires verifying identity via codes from a separate device when logging in. This adds assurance it is you.

With extra login care, avoiding shady tools, and letting the system cool after issues, the “Too Often” error should pose fewer headaches. Simply wait out the short-term ban.



Summary: How to Fix Fortnite "Sorry, you are visiting our service too often" error

  • Error caused by suspicious rapid logins from multiple locations
  • Triggers temporary 1+ hour account login cooldown period
  • Fully log in before switching devices
  • Don’t use VPNs to alter virtual location
  • Carefully input the password & consider 2FA
  • Wait to log back in until the full cool-down period ends
