Fortnite Update December 19: Battle Royale Patch Notes

Fortnite Battle Royale patch update: Movement and visibility improvements in latest patch notes for more balanced battle royale experience.

Fortnite Update December 19: Battle Royale Patch Notes
Fortnite Battle Royale Patch Notes 19 December

Epic Games has released a new patch for Fortnite Battle Royale, bringing improvements to movement, medallion visibility, night visibility, the storm, and weapon icons. Here are the full patch notes for Fortnite Update on December 19.

Fortnite Update December 19 Patch Notes

Fortnite Battle Royale Patch Notes
Fortnite Battle Royale Patch Notes 

Movement Improvements

  • Movement speed has been increased while crouching and running. This should make getting around the map feel quicker and smoother.
  • The camera movement has been reduced and the change in view while sprinting has been adjusted. This aims to deliver a more fluid sprint experience.
  • Movement animations have been updated to better match the new movement speeds.
  • Custom diagonal movement settings have been reset due to the changes. Players should go in and reconfigure these back to what feels comfortable.

Medallions Readability

  • Society Medallion icons are now much more visible on the map. This makes spotting them quicker and easier during matches.
  • Visual noise has been reduced when multiple Medallion zones overlap, especially in the later storm circles. This further improves Medallion visibility at critical moments.



Night Visibility

  • Certain darker areas of the Fortnite map have been brightened to improve visibility during night matches. Players reported struggling to see in some locations.

Storm Visibility

  • The visibility of the Storm's edge has been enhanced significantly. It should now be much clearer to players when the Storm is closing in on them.

Weapon Icons

  • The icons for the Frenzy Auto Shotgun and Thunder Burst SMG have been updated to make them more visually distinct. Players found them too similar, making it tricky to differentiate the weapons.



Recent Balance Changes in Fortnite Update December 19 Patch Notes

Fortnite Battle Royale Patch Notes 19 December
Fortnite Battle Royale Patch Notes 19 December
  • Buff to Flowberry shields granted
  • Firepower boost for Ranger Pistol, Shield Breaker EMP blast, and Ballistic Shield pistol attack
  • Smaller ammo capacity for Snowball Launcher
  • A larger magazine size was implemented for Thunder Burst SMG
  • Decreased spawn rate for Reaper Sniper Rifle
  • Reduction in damage output of Striker Assault Rifle
  • Reduced dimensions of the Medallion holder's highlighted circle visual
  • Time delay introduced before Medallion Shield regeneration initiation
  • Medallion Shield recovery rates slightly decelerated across the board
  • Medallions no longer completely replenish Shield reserves (excluding full 5 Medallion hold)



This update brings great quality-of-life enhancements through improved visibility, responsiveness, and balance changes based on community feedback. With smoother gameplay and mechanics, Fortnite continues to evolve into a fairer and more enjoyable Battle Royale experience for all.
