Full Patch Notes for 13.24 Revealed: League of Legends Guide

The final Lol Patch 13.24 in Season 13 shows a lot of champion buffs as well as Hwei going live

Full Patch Notes for 13.24 Revealed: League of Legends Guide
Riot Games

We will be taking a more in-depth look at the upcoming League of Legends 13.24 Patch as posted by Riot Phroxzon on Twitter. Since this will be the final patch for this year, the devs have decided to buff a lot of champions to prepare them to be viable for the upcoming changes in Season 14

It is interesting how the meta will develop as Season 2024 shows a lot of promise. You can review some of the thoughts behind the champion buffs, nerfs, and adjustments coming to Patch 13.24, here



Champion Buffs in League of Legends Patch 13.24



Partial revert of the W damage, as the changes were directionally positive, just off in magnitude. 



Arise! (W)

  • Magic Damage: (+50/65/80/95/110) ⇒  (+50/67/84/101/118)


A while ago, we nerfed Braum's knockup duration that reduced his pickrate in Pro and made him more playable in normal by a significant amount. It also was a satisfaction hit, so we're returning some of it. 

Base Stats:

  • Mana Regen: 6⇒7
Glacial Fissure


Glacial Fissure (R)

  • Minimum Secondary Knockup Duration: 0.3 ⇒ 0.6 seconds




Galio's cooldowns have been pretty long for a while and he's turned into more of a one rotation and then do nothing for a while champion. This change hopefully gives him more flexibility and a more fun gameplay pattern.

Colossal Smash


Colossal Smash (Q)

  • Cooldown: 12-10 ⇒ 12-8 seconds


Gragas has been weak for a while and less fun to play after the passive change. Bringing some of that back, without making it as strong early game as it used to be.

Happy Hour


Happy Hour (Passive)

  • Cooldown: 12 ⇒ 12/10/8/6 seconds




K'Sante is weak, we're looking for a bit more power in W, but not looking to go overboard. Long term, we like having more power in W as it is something that has more polarized interactions by matchup and is a very telegraphed portion of his kit. W is also a bit too expensive, now that the paradigm and hittability has changed.

Path Maker


Path Maker (W)

  • Mana Cost: 60/65/70/75/80 40/45/50/55/60 
  • Resist Damage Ratio: 30% 50%


Leona was considered the poster child for supports one shotting you pre-durability and received a lot of nerfs leading up to that. Post durability, she lost a lot of that soloing power and has dropped off a lot ever since. Adding a bit of that damage back in the early game, being careful not to go overboard.



Eclipse (W)

  • Armor and Magic Resistance: 20-40 ⇒ 20-50
Solar Flare


Solar Flare (R)

  • Damage: 100-250 150-300




Looking at a more fun change for Lucian that allows him to trade a bit more in the early game. He's dropped off a bit in terms of being an early focused champion and this should help all the way up until putting multiple points in E.

Relentless Pursuit


Relentless Pursuit (E)

  • Cooldown: 22-14 19-14


I know we're buffing Q... At the same time, this is his worst ratio and one that we think needs to be corrected for him to build AP more regularly. R is a QoL change that Morde mains have been requesting for a while.



Obliterate (Q)

  • AP Ratio: 60% 70%
Realm of Death


Realm of Death (R)

  • New: Reveals his target at the start of the cast (brushes do not cancel the ability anymore)




As mentioned earlier, Qiyana's mana costs are excessively punishing and she often opts into mana itemization at least some of the time. This change should result in her feeling less punishing to play and learn.

Base Stats:

  • Mana: 320 + 50 per level 375 + 60 per level


QoL change to have rangedQ reset autos like meleeQ.

Noxian Diplomacy


Noxian Diplomacy (Q)

  • New: Ranged Q resets auto-attack (now matches melee Q reset)


Now that Tri-Force Zeri is gone and Pro is done for the year, we feel more comfortable giving Zeri some of the AD growth back. We'll see how she performs with the new items and then monitor.

Base Stats:

  • AD Growth: 1.3 2
Ultrashock Laser


Ultrashock Laser

  • Damage: 20-180 30-190



Champion Nerfs in League of Legends Patch 13.24



As mentioned yesterday, trying to narrow the gap between her overperforming Lethality builds and the worse performing Bruiser builds by converting some spells to magic damage. Even though she's received a lot of nerfs in a row, it's mainly to keep up with her extremely steep learning curve.

Base Stats:

  • Attack Speed Ratio: .644 .669 (Level 1 Attack Speed remains unchanged)
  • Armor: 32 30 
Head Rush


Head Rush (Q)

  • Damage: 60-200 ⇒ 60-180
Blood Frenzy


Blood Frenzy (W)

  • Attack Speed: 60-120% 55-115%
Chilling Scream


Chilling Scream (E)

  • Damage Reduction: 40% 35%
Certain Death


Certain Death (R)

  • Damage: 150-450 (+75% Base AD)(+110% AP) Physical ⇒ 150-450 (+50% Base AD)(+120%AP) Magic




Some simple nerfs to Ivern focused mainly on the early game.

Base Stats:

  • Base Health: 655 630 


Triggerseed (E)

  • Slow: 50/55/60/65/70% 45/50/55/60/65%

Champion Adjustments in League of Legends Patch 13.24



Some bugfixes in here! We found a nasty bug with the E timing changes at the last second, but will continue to have those later after the bugs are resolved.

  • Bug Fixes for Void Rift (W) and Tectonic Disruption (E) fillzing at times. E timing buffs will come in a future patch due to a bug. 




That about covers it for League of Legends Patch 13.24. A lot of champion buffs and substantial nerfs to Briar as she has been dominating the jungle. Hwei will also be released for Patch 13.24 so we will all have a chance to try him out before Season 2024 starts. 

It is interesting to see that Riot Games is still looking into improving Vel'Koz as he has been terrible for quite some time, hopefully, every main for this champion will be able to enjoy playing him a lot more in the upcoming Season. Stay tuned for any additional changes that may be coming to Summoner's Rift.

You can also watch our in-depth analysis of these upcoming changes:
