Genshin Impact: A Transaction Full Guide

Discover all you need to know about Genshin Impact 'A Transaction' event in this comprehensive guide.

Genshin Impact: A Transaction Full Guide
Genshin Impact: A Transaction Full Guide

The third part of Genshin Impact's Into the Frame event mini-game, "A Transaction", is now available. In this stage, players must film a business transaction between Yoimiya, a fireworks merchant, and her client Riqueti. Successfully filming the scene and matching narrations will reward Primogems, Theater Tickets, and other resources. Here's a full guide to Genshin Impact 'A Transaction' event.

A Transaction Detailed Frame-by-Frame Guide

The premise of "A Transaction" is that Yoimiya and Riqueti have arranged a meeting at Hotel Debord to negotiate a fireworks sale. Riqueti examines the samples to ensure their quality before making a deal. Your role is to select the best camera shots and narrations to match the provided script.

There are five scenes to film for "A Transaction". Here are the optimal choices for each frame:



Frame 1

Genshin Impact A Transaction Full Guide 1.png

Show Riqueti inspecting the merchandise samples on the table. Select the bottom shot displaying the products and Riqueti's face.

Frame 2

Genshin Impact A Transaction Full Guide 2.png

Portray Riqueti questioning the merchant's guarantees. Choose the left shot with both characters and pick the "Hey, can you guarantee the effectiveness of these products?" narration.

Frame 3

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Reveal Yoimiya's identity with a close-up face shot. The top-right option clearly displays her.



Frame 4

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Display Yoimiya's branded products. The bottom perspective fully reveals the merchandise box. Add the narration about her popular and beautiful fireworks.

Frame 5

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Depict Riqueti's reaction to the successful deal. A close-up left shot of his face fits best. End with "Done, we have a deal" narration.



Rewards for Perfect Filming

Earning max points and the "Divine Handiwork" rating will reward:

  • Primogems x30
  • Theater Tickets x100
  • Film for Fun x160
  • Hero's Wit x3
  • Sanctifying Unction x4
  • Mystic Enhancement Ore x6




  • Frame 1: Bottom shot of Riqueti and products
  • Frame 2: Left shot with narration
  • Frame 3: Right close-up of Yoimiya
  • Frame 4: Bottom view of merchandise with narration
  • Frame 5: Left close-up of Riqueti with narration

This covers the optimal shots and narrations for a perfect filming of "A Transaction" in Genshin Impact's Into the Frame event. Follow the guide above to earn all the available prizes.

Also read: Genshin Impact Waiting Under the Sweltering Sun Full Guide
