Hearthstone: 19 New Heroes Coming to Twist

Twist, the latest way to play Hearthstone, is coming with a new seasonal twist! Check out all 19 heroes being introduced and how to get them below!

Hearthstone: 19 New Heroes Coming to Twist

Twist is a different way to play Classic Hearthstone. Ever since its introduction in patch 26.6, this ladder game mode has given players new and exciting ways to experience their favorite game.  The newest season is arriving in Twist—Whizbang’s Heroes!

Whizbang’s Heroes will introduce 19 brand-new heroes to the game. Each hero comes with a pre-equipped deck, hero power, and even a passive ability! Heroes will vary in health total and deck size, each bringing unique ways to break Hearthstone’s rules. The developers have created some amazing combinations that really bring out the gameplay flavor of each hero!

How to Unlock the New Characters?

Hearthstone: 19 New Heroes Coming to Twist

The new heroes will be familiar faces—all of them are legendary minions from Hearthstone’s past and present. To unlock one of the 19 heroes coming in June, all you need to do is have the corresponding card in your collection. Even if you didn’t own it before, crafting or opening the card will immediately unlock the hero tied to it.

The card quality of the decks will be determined by the quality of the cards you own in your collection (Normal, Golden, Diamond, or Signature). This means that if you own a Golden version of the hero card, your entire deck will match it and be Golden! Individual cards can even go beyond and be Diamond or even Signature quality.


All New Free Twist Heroes!

As explained, to unlock a hero, you need the legendary card it represents. Luckily for free-to-play players, Blizzard has made 4 of the characters cards from the Core set. The Core set is given to every player and is absolutely free. Below, you can find the details of all the new free heroes.

Illidan Stormrage

Hearthstone: 19 New Heroes Coming to Twist Illdian Stormrage
  • Health: 40
  • Passive: Fel Inside – After a friendly character Attacks, reduce the Cost of a Fel spell in your hand by (1).
  • Hero Power: Demon Spite – [1 Mana] +1 Attack and Lifesteal this turn.
  • Decklist (40 cards): 2 Grave Defiler 2 Taste of Chaos 2 Chaos Strike 2 Dryscale Deputy 2 Fel Barrage 2 Fossil Fanatic 2 Multi-Strike 2 Quick Pick 2 Coordinated Strike 2 Disciple of Argus 2 Herald of Chaos 2 Sigil of Time 1 Stargazer Luna 1 Archmage Vargoth 2 Demonic Assault 2 Fan the Hammer 1 Metamorphosis 1 Jotun, the Eternal 1 Queen Azshara 2 Chaos Creation 2 Impfestation 2 Expendable Performers 1 Jace Darkweaver

Al’Akir the Windlord

Hearthstone: 19 New Heroes Coming to Twist Al’Akir the Windlord
  • Health: 35
  • Passive: Elemental Evocation – After you play a Legendary Elemental, call upon the power of an element.
  • Hero Power: OBEY MY COMMAND! – [1 Mana] Give a minion Divine Shield and Taunt.
  • Decklist (35 cards): 1 Elemental Evocation 1 Devolving Missiles 1 Elemental Allies 1 Fire Fly 1 Flame Geyser 1 Kindling Elemental 1 Synthesize 1 Wailing Vapor 1 Aqua Archivist 1 Elementary Reaction 1 Menacing Nimbus 1 Sandstorm Elemental 1 Sleetbreaker 1 Spotlight 1 Trusty Companion 1 Arid Stormer 1 Frostfin Chomper 1 Gyreworm 1 Lightning Storm 1 Minecart Cruiser 1 Baking Soda Volcano 1 Dang-Blasted Elemental 1 Al’ar 1 Lilypad Lurker 1 Mes’Adune the Fractured 1 Tainted Remnant 1 Waxadred 1 Horn of the Windlord 1 Baron Geddon 1 Kalimos, Primal Lord 1 Siamat 1 Skarr, the Catastrophe 1 Therazane 1 Al’Akir the Windlord 1 Ragnaros the Firelord


Arch-Villain Rafaam

Hearthstone: 19 New Heroes Coming to Twist Arch-Villain Rafaam
  • Health: 35
  • Passive: BEHOLD! My Stuff! – Your Legendary cards cost (1) less.
  • Hero Power: I Think I Will Take It! – [1 Mana] Discover a spell from your opponent’s class that costs (3) or less.
  • Decklist (35 cards): 1 Ivus, the Forest Lord 1 Sir Finley, Sea Guide 1 Sphere of Sapience 1 Astalor Bloodsworn 1 Bloodmage Thalnos 1 Flint Firearm 1 Archdruid Naralex 1 Brann Bronzebeard 1 Brightwing 1 Flightmaster Dungar 1 Mankrik 1 SN1P-SN4P 1 Blademaster Okani 1 Korrak the Bloodrager 1 Maiev Shadowsong 1 Pozzik, Audio Engineer 1 Emperor Thaurissan 1 Loatheb 1 Moonfang 1 Overlord Runthak 1 Zilliax 1 Cairne Bloodhoof 1 Gnomelia, S.A.F.E. Pilot 1 Sylvanas Windrunner 1 Dr. Boom 1 Lor’themar Theron 1 Mutanus the Devourer 1 Siamat 1 Goliath, Sneed’s Masterpiece 1 Jepetto Joybuzz 1 Ozumat 1 Alexstrasza the Life-Binder 1 Yogg-Saron Unleashed 1 Neptulon the Tidehunter 1 Raid Boss Onyxia

Leeroy Jenkins

Hearthstone: 19 New Heroes Coming to Twist Leeroy Jenkins
  • Health: 40
  • Passive: Let’s Do This! – Both players’ cards cost (1) less.
  • Hero Power: Reckless Reinforcements – [0 Mana] The next minion you play this turn costs Health instead of Mana.
  • Decklist (35 cards): 1 Blessing of Wisdom 1 First Day of School 1 Knight of Anointment 1 Sanguine Soldier 1 Argent Protector 1 Blood Matriarch Liadrin 1 Crooked Cook 1 For Quel’Thalas! 1 Hand of A’dal 1 Hi Ho Silverwing 1 Hydrologist 1 Knife Juggler 1 Manafeeder Panthara 1 Sound the Bells! 1 Squashling 1 Acolyte of Pain 1 Aldor Peacekeepr 1 Alliance Bannerman 1 Cathedral of Atonement 1 Consecration 1 Disco Maul 1 Divine Favor 1 Funkfin 1 Goody Two-Shields 1 Hammer of Wrath 1 Keeper of Uldaman 1 Magnifying Glaive 1 Salhet’s Pride 1 Stargazer Luna 1 Voracious Reader 1 Warsong Commander 1 Wickerflame Burnbristle 1 Ancestral Guardian 1 Crusader Aura 1 Keeper’s Strength


Special Condition Free Heroes

A slightly more specific case arises with the last 2 free heroes. Some of the player base who have been playing for a while will most likely have them from the get-go with no added complexity. If you are a recent player, though, you might need to buy some packs to unlock them—C’Thun and Kael’Thas.

C’Thun was a login reward for Whispers of the Old Gods. To unlock it today, you will need to acquire a pack from the expansion and enter the pack opening screen. There you will be greeted with your "free" legendary. The same principle applies to Kael’Thas, but the pack needed is one from Ashes of Outland.

Kael’Thas Sunstrider

Hearthstone: 19 New Heroes Coming to Twist Kael’Thas Sunstrider
  • Health: 35
  • Passive: Fel Fueled – Cards that didn’t start in your deck cost (1) less.
  • Hero Power: Unstable Magic – [Passive] At the start of your turn, get a playable spell. Discard it at end of turn.
  • Decklist (45 cards): 1 Arcane Wyrm 1 Babbling Book 1 Evocation 1 Fire Fly 1 First Day of School 1 First Flame 1 Jar Dealer 1 Learn Draconic 1 Magic Trick 1 Synthesize 1 Training Session 1 Unstable Felbolt 1 Violet Spellwing 1 Wand Thief 1 Astral Rift 1 Dark Peddler 1 Dryscale Deputy 1 Expired Merchant 1 Flint Firearm 1 Mana Cyclone 1 Primordial Glyph 1 Prismatic Elemental 1 Ram Commmander 1 Runed Orb 1 Tiny Knight of Evil 1 Unstable Portal 1 Wandmaker 1 Whelp Wrangler 1 Arcsplitter 1 Dark Skies 1 Instructor Fireheart 1 Messenger Raven 1 Ravencaller 1 Reckless Diretroll 1 Trolley Problem 1 Gloomstone Guardian 1 Leyline Manipulator 1 School Teacher 1 Blast Wave 1 Cobalt Spellkin 1 Spawn of Deathwing 1 Maruut Stonebinder 1 Cho’gall 1 Mana Giant 1 Grand Magister Rommath


Hearthstone: 19 New Heroes Coming to Twist C’Thun
  • Health: 35
  • Passive: I am Inevitable! – C’Thun starts in your hand. After two friendly minions die, give your C’Thun +1/+1.
  • Hero Power: C’THUN! C’THUUUN! – [1 Mana] Discover a follower of C’Thun.
  • Decklist (30 cards): 1 Cactus Construct 1 Chaotic Consumption 1 Forest Seedlings 1 Grimoire of Sacrifice 1 Lingering Zombie 1 Living Roots 1 Plague of Flames 1 Pop-Up Book 1 Wicked Shipment 1 Dreamway Guardians 1 Haunted Creeper 1 Mining Casualties 1 Shrubadier 1 Thorngrowth Sentries 1 BEEEES!!! 1 Darkshire Councilman 1 Frostwolf Kennels 1 Imp Gang Boss 1 Plot of Sin 1 Swipe 1 Branching Paths 1 Klaxxi Amber-Weaver 1 Murlocula 1 Flipper Friends 1 Glowfly Swarm 1 Swarm of Lightbugs 1 Twilight Darkmender 1 Ancient Shieldbearer 1 Trial by Fire 1 Twin Emperor Vek’lo


All Heroes Tied to Craftable Legendaries


Hearthstone: 19 New Heroes Coming to Twist Nozdormu
  • Health: 35
  • Passive: It’s About Time – Start with an extra Mana Crystal. You only have 30 seconds to take your turn.
  • Hero Power: Dragonflight – [2 Mana] Draw a Dragon. It costs (1) less.
  • Decklist (45 cards): 1 Arcane Breath 1 Cleric of Scales 1 Flight of the Bronze 1 Giftwrapped Whelp 1 Sand Breath 1 Twilight Whelp 1 Alexstrasza’s Champion 1 Breath of Dreams 1 Corrosive Breath 1 Dragonmaw Sentinel 1 Firetree Witchdoctor 1 Lay Down the Law 1 Nether Breath 1 Netherspike Historian 1 Redscale Dragontamer 1 Splish-Splash Whelp 1 Wyrmrest Agent 1 Amber Whelp 1 Breath of the Infinite 1 Consecrate 1 Dragonrider Talritha 1 Lightbringer’s Hammer 1 Lightning Breath 1 Timewarden 1 Desert Nestmatron 1 Duskbreaker 1 Future Emissary 1 Molten Breath 1 Blackwing Corruptor 1 Chronobreaker 1 Crazed Netherwing 1 Dragonfire Potion 1 Malygos, Aspect of Magic 1 Onyxian Warder 1 Aeon Reaver 1 Candle Breath 1 Nithogg 1 Anachronos 1 Murozond, Thief of Time 1 Deathwing, Mad Aspect 1 Murozond the Infinite 1 Alexstrasza the Life-Binder 1 Fye, the Setting Sun 1 Ysera the Dreamer 1 Raid Boss Onyxia

The Lich King

Hearthstone: 19 New Heroes Coming to Twist The Lich King
  • Health: 35
  • Passive: Cadaver Collector – After you spend a Corpse, summon a Risen Skeleton with stats equal to the Corpses spent.
  • Hero Power: Relentless Ghoul – [2 Mana] Summon a 1/1 Zombie with Reborn and Charge. It dies at end of turn.
  • Decklist (40 cards): 2 Arms Dealer 2 Body Bagger 2 Fistful of Corpses 2 Heart Strike 2 Lingering Zombie 2 Plagued Grain 2 Runes of Darkness 2 Haunted Creeper 2 Mining Casualties 2 Acolyte of Death 2 Corpse Farm 2 Crop Rotation 2 Eulogizer 2 Unliving Champion 2 Ymirjar Deathbringer 2 Malignant Horror 1 Sickly Grimewalker 2 Tomb Guardians 2 Corpse Bride 2 Stitched Giant 1 The Scourge


Hearthstone: 19 New Heroes Coming to Twist Xyrella
  • Health: 30
  • Passive: Purify the Shard – Your max health is 60. Reach it to win the game. Damaging the enemy hero heals your hero.
  • Hero Power: Spark of Light – [1 Mana] Restore 2 Health. Manathirst (8): Restore 4 Health instead.
  • Decklist (35 cards): 1 Cleric of An’she 1 Deafen 1 Mistress of Mixtures 1 Shadowtouched Kvaldir 1 Shard of Naaru 1 The Light! It Burns! 1 Astalor Bloodsworn 1 Auchenai Phantasm 1 City Tax 1 Hi Ho Silverwing 1 Hidden Gem 1 Serena Bloodfeather 1 Benevolent Banker 1 Dehydrate 1 Devouring Plague 1 Haunting Nightmare 1 Holy Nova 1 Wickerflame Burnbristle 1 Brittlebone Destroyer 1 Fight Over Me 1 Hysteria 1 Ivory Knight 1 School Teacher 1 Xyrella 1 Crystal Stag 1 Mass Hysteria 1 Raza the Chained 1 Sandhoof Waterbearer 1 Harmonic Pop 1 Khartut Defender 1 Lightshower Elemental 1 Aman’Thul 1 Blackwater Behemoth 1 Blightblood Berserker 1 Soul Mirror


Patches the Pirate

Hearthstone: 19 New Heroes Coming to Twist Patches the Pirrate
  • Health: 35
  • Passive: Locked and Loaded – After you summon a Pirate, it deals 1 damage to a random enemy.
  • Hero Power: I’m in Charrrge! – [3 Mana] Draw a Pirate. Cost reduces by (1) after you play a Pirate.
  • Decklist (35 cards): 1 Backstab 1 Blackwater Cutlass 1 Bloodsail Freebooter 1 Dig For Treasure 1 Execute 1 Gone Fishin’ 1 Jolly Roger 1 Patches the Pirate 1 Shiver Their Timbers 1 Sky Raider 1 Swashburglar 1 Amalgam of the Deep 1 Bloodsail Raider 1 Eviscerate 1 Fan of Knives 1 Fogsail Freebooter 1 Harbor Scamp 1 Obsidiansmith 1 Parachute Brigand 1 Serrated Bone Spike 1 Toy Boat 1 Ancharrr 1 Bargain Bin Buccaneer 1 Crow’s Nest Lookout 1 Defias Cannoneer 1 Pufferfist 1 Skybarge 1 Swordfish 1 Edwin, Defias Kingpin 1 Hoard Pillager 1 Sword Eater 1 Bootstrap Sunkener 1 Cannon Barrage 1 Mr. Smite 1 Pirate Admiral Hooktusk

Sir Finley Mrrgglton

Hearthstone: 19 New Heroes Coming to Twist Sir Finley Mrrgglton
  • Health: 40
  • Passive: Scales of Justice – Your Murlocs have Rush.
  • Hero Power: Float Up! – [1 Mana] Draw a Murloc.
  • Decklist (35 cards): 1 Adaptation 1 Embalming Ritual 1 Grimscale Chum 1 Grimscale Oracle 1 Imprisoned Sungill 1 Murloc Growfin 1 Murloc Tidecaller 1 Murmy 1 Sir Finley, Sea Guide 1 Spawnpool Forager 1 Toxfin 1 Unite the Murlocs 1 Amalgam of the Deep 1 Auctionhouse Gavel 1 Hand of A’dal 1 Hydrologist 1 Lushwater Murcenary 1 Murgur Murgurgle 1 Primalfin Lookout 1 Rockpool Hunter 1 South Coast Chieftain 1 Underbelly Angler 1 Voidgill 1 Bloodscent Vilefin 1 Clownfish 1 Coldlight Seer 1 Consecration 1 Cookie the Cook 1 Murloc Warleader 1 Nofim Can Stop Us 1 Underlight Angling Rod 1 Gentle Megasaur 1 Murloc Knight 1 Rotgill 1 Everyfin is Awesome


King Krush

Hearthstone: 19 New Heroes Coming to Twist  king Krush
  • Health: 35
  • Passive: King’s Decree – After you cast a spell, reduce the Cost of a Beast in your hand by the spell’s Cost.
  • Hero Power: Apex Predator – [6 Mana] +8 Attack this turn.
  • Decklist (35 cards): 1 Richochet Shot 1 Tracking 1 Urchin Spines 1 Wound Prey 1 Barrel of Monkeys 1 Bola Shot 1 Call Pet 1 Fetch! 1 Grievous Bite 1 Rapid Fire 1 Tame Beast (Rank 1) 1 Animal Companion 1 Master’s Call 1 Powershot 1 Revive Pet 1 Shellshot 1 Swipe 1 Unleash the Hounds 1 Flanking Strike 1 Marked Shot 1 Swamp King Dread 1 Amani War Bear 1 Blackwater Behemoth 1 Colaque 1 Druid of the Plains 1 Hydralodon 1 King Mosh 1 Toyrannosaurus 1 Winged Guardian 1 King Krush 1 Oondasta 1 Trenchstalker 1 Banjosaur 1 Tyrantus 1 Shirvallah, the Tiger

Forest Warden Omu

Hearthstone: 19 New Heroes Coming to Twist  Forest Warden Omu
  • Health: 35
  • Passive: Rapid Growth – After you summon a Treant, Adapt it randomly.
  • Hero Power: Call to the Grove – [1 Mana] Get a 2/2 Treant.
  • Decklist (30 cards): 1 Aquatic Form 1 Innervate 1 Preparation 1 Forest Seedlings 1 Mark of the Lotus 1 Nature Studies 1 Sow the Soil 1 Witchwood Apple 1 Lunar Eclipse 1 Malfunction 1 Mark of the Scorn 1 Natural Causes 1 Fungal Fortunes 1 Landscaping 1 Overgrown Beanstalk 1 Plot of Sin 1 Soul of the Forest 1 Fel’dorei Warband 1 Aeroponics 1 Arbor Up 1 Deal with the Devil 1 Living Mana 1 Manufacturing Error 1 Refreshing Springwater 1 Runic Carvings 1 To My Side! 1 Unending Swarm 1 Drum Circle 1 Rhok’delar 1 Cultivatio


Dr. Boom

Hearthstone: 19 New Heroes Coming to Twist  Dr. Boom
  • Health: 45
  • Passive: Boom Barrage – After a friendly Mech dies, shuffle a Bomb into your opponent’s deck.
  • Hero Power: Boomspiration – [2 Mana] Summon a 1/1 Boom Bot. WARNING: Bots may explode.
  • Decklist (40 cards): 1 Drone Deconstructor 1 Execute 1 Glow-Tron 1 Omega Assembly 1 Trench Surveyor 1 Amalgam of the Deep 1 Bomb Toss 1 From the Scrapheap 1 Micro Mummy 1 Noble Minibot 1 Security Autommaton 1 Venomizer 1 Bellowing Flames 1 Coldlight Oracle 1 Gorillabot A-3 1 Mecha-Shark 1 Mimiron, the Mastermind 1 Powermace 1 Seascout Operator 1 Sky Claw 1 SN1P-SN4P 1 SP-3Y3-D3R 1 Spider Bomb 1 Ursatron 1 Giggling Toymaker 1 Outrider’s Axe 1 Pozzik, Audio Engineer 1 Tiny Worldbreaker 1 Brawl 1 Dyn-o-matic 1 Fireworker 1 Zilliax 1 Flame Behemoth 1 Mothership 1 V-07-TR-0N Prime 1 Blastmaster Boom 1 Boommaster Flark 1 The Leviathan 1 Gaia, the Techtonic 1 Inventor Boom


Hearthstone: 19 New Heroes Coming to Twist  Zul’jin
  • Health: 35
  • Passive: Warriors of Amani – After you play a Secret, summon a 2/2 Berserker.
  • Hero Power: Ensnare – [2 Mana] Discover a Secret. It costs (1) less.
  • Decklist (40 cards): 1 Blackjack Stunner 1 Costumed Singer 1 Secretkeeper 1 Throw Glaive 1 Apexis Smuggler 1 Arcane Flakmage 1 Bait and Switch 1 Bargain Bin 1 Cat Trick 1 Explosive Trap 1 Freezing Trap 1 Hidden Meaning 1 Hydrologist 1 Ice Trap 1 Mad Scientist 1 Medivh’s Valet 1 Phase Stalker 1 Quick Shot 1 Snipe 1 Sword of the Fallen 1 Wandering Monster 1 ZOMBEEEES!!! 1 Cloaked Huntress 1 Commander Rhyssa 1 Inconspicuous Rider 1 Petting Zoo 1 Sparkjoy Cheat 1 Chatty Bartender 1 Halkias 1 Orion, Mansion Manager 1 Professor Putricide 1 Spring the Trap 1 Cannonmaster Smythe 1 Lesser Emeral Spellstone 1 Product 9 1 Aggramar, the Avenger 1 Contract Conjurer 1 Sayge, Seer of Darkmoon 1 Starstrung Bow 1 King Plush


N’Zoth, the Corruptor

Hearthstone: 19 New Heroes Coming to Twist  N’Zoth, the Corruptor
  • Health: 35
  • Passive: Dark Machinations – After you play a Deathrattle minion, trigger its Deathrattle.
  • Hero Power: Rise Again! – [2 Mana] Summon a 1/1 copy of the last Deathrattle minion you played.
  • Decklist (35 cards): 1 Batty Guest 1 Call of the Grave 1 Lingering Zombie 1 Play Dead 1 Unstable Felbolt 1 Dead Ringer 1 Defile 1 Kindly Grandmother 1 Loot Hoarder 1 Museum Curator 1 Roll the Bones 1 Shallow Grave 1 Starscryer 1 Terrorscale Stalker 1 Unstable Shadow Blast 1 Devouring Ectoplasm 1 Domino Effect 1 Necrium Blade 1 Piggyback Imp 1 Reefwalker 1 Voodoo Doll 1 Ball Hog 1 Baron Rivendare 1 Infested Tauren 1 Piloted Shredder 1 Stubborn Suspect 1 Teacher’s Pet 1 Vectus 1 Claw Machine 1 Ring Matron 1 Darkmoon Tonk 1 Enhanced Dreadlord 1 Wretched Queen 1 Obsidian Statue 1 Stoneborn General

Brann Bronzebeard

Hearthstone: 19 New Heroes Coming to Twist Brann Bronzebeard
  • Health: 35
  • Passive: Brann’s Saddle – After you play a Battlecry minion, transform it into a random Beast of the same cost.
  • Hero Power: Crack the Whip – [1 Mana] Your next Battlecry triggers twice.
  • Decklist (45 cards): 1 Alleycat 1 Blazing Invocation 1 Mystery Winner 1 Overwhelm 1 Shock Hopper 1 Slam 1 Tracking 1 Trinket Tracker 1 Auctionhouse Gavel 1 Crackling Razormaw 1 Deeprun Engineer 1 EVIL Cable Rat 1 Grimestreet Informant 1 Maze Guide 1 Novice Engineer 1 Painted Canvasaur 1 Shrubadier 1 Waxmancy 1 Brilliant Macaw 1 Crow’s Nest Lookout 1 Fairy Tale Forest 1 Harmonica Soloist 1 Kobold Apprentice 1 Sewer Crawler 1 Stitched Tracker 1 Crud Caretaker 1 Fire Plum Phoenix 1 Rattling Rascal 1 Triplewick Trickster 1 Bomb Squad 1 Cattle Rustler 1 Dyn-o-matic 1 Former Champ 1 Loatheb 1 Night Elf Huntress 1 Abyssal Summoner 1 Entitled Customer 1 Lord Godfrey 1 Swampqueen Hagatha 1 Deathwing, Mad Aspect 1 Gigafin 1 Jepetto Joybuzz 1 Murozond the Infinite 1 Tidal Revenant 1 Alexstrasza the Life-Binder


Guff Runetotem

Hearthstone: 19 New Heroes Coming to Twist Guff RunetotemHearthstone: 19 New Heroes Coming to Twist Guff Runetotem
  • Health: 35
  • Passive: Might of the Fang – After your Hero gains Attack, they also gain that much Armor.
  • Hero Power: Feral Frenzy – [1 Mana] +1 Attack this turn. Usable twice a turn.
  • Decklist (40 cards): 1 Aquatic Form 1 Pounce 1 Battlefiend 1 Burning Heart 1 Feast and Famine 1 Jolly Roger 1 Lesser Jasper Spellstone 1 Secure the Deck 1 Sock Puppet Slitherspear 1 Toxic Reinforcements 1 Battleworn Vanguard 1 Crooked Cook 1 Deathmatch Pavilion 1 Felfire Deadeye 1 Lesser Opal Spellstone 1 Manafeeder Panthara 1 Multi-Strike 1 Papercraft Angel 1 Rake 1 Savage Strike 1 Stoneskin Armorer 1 Wickedclaw 1 Defias Cannoneer 1 Hookfist-3000 1 Ironclad 1 Keeneye Spotter 1 Pufferfirst 1 Silithid Swarmer 1 Dragonbane 1 Glaiveshark 1 Going Down Swinging 1 Park Panther 1 Sand Art Elemental 1 Savage Combatant 1 Shockspitter 1 Spread the Word 1 Captain Galvangar 1 Khaz’goroth 1 Confessor Paletress 1 Frost Giant


Hearthstone: 19 New Heroes Coming to Twist Arfus
  • Health: 35
  • Passive: Dig Up Dig up: Frost – After you play a Frost rune card, Excavate. Swap to Unholy. Legendary treasures are random. Dig up: Unholy – After you play an Unholy rune card, Excavate. Swap to Blood. Legendary treasures are random. Dig up: Blood – After you play a Blood rune card, Excavate. Swap to Frost. Legendary treasures are random.
  • Hero Power: Give a Dog a Bone – [1 Mana] Spend up to 3 Corpses. For each, reduce the cost of a card in your hand by (1).
  • Decklist (35 cards): 1 Arthas’s Gift 1 Body Bagger 1 Bone Breaker 1 Fistful of Corpses 1 Heart Strike 1 Bonedigger Geist 1 Defrost 1 Frost Strike 1 Harbinger of Winter 1 Hematurge 1 Mining Casualties 1 Necrotic Mortician 1 Obliterate 1 Pile of Bones 1 Plague Strike 1 Threads of Despair 1 Vicious Bloodworm 1 Blightfang 1 Crop Rotation 1 Graveyard Shift 1 Hardcore Cultist 1 Howling Blast 1 Meat Grinder 1 Rainbow Seamstress 1 Soulbreaker 1 Death Strike 1 Maw and Paw 1 Quartzite Crusher 1 Thassarian 1 Harrowing Ox 1 Patchwerk 1 The Primus 1 Stitched Giant 1 Climactic Necrotic Explosion 1 Reska, the Pit Boss


Dev Notes for Twist This Year

Twist hopes to provide a space to test out fresh and out-of-the-box concepts that are not commonly seen in Ranked Standard, creating a setting for trial and error for the devs. This season brings a new dynamic method of balancing by regularly adjusting the health of Whizbang's Heroes to match the meta changes and prevent issues from previous patch schedules. Although Hero Powers and decklists will go through regular balance updates, the main priority is to ensure a dynamic and ever-changing gameplay experience.

After June, Whizbang's Heroes are set to return in July with nine more new Heroes, with a break in Twist availability shortly following. Twist is planned to occur periodically instead of continuously, with the goal of maintaining an interesting and fresh experience. During the upcoming year, players will have two chances to interact with the Wonders and Caverns of Time set, revisiting them for two seasons. Information about upcoming Twist seasons will be revealed at a later time, but for now, the focus is on enjoying Whizbang’s Heroes beginning on June 1st.
