Helldivers 2: 8 Game-Changing Tips You Need to Know

In this guide, we will teach you eight tips that will make you better at Helldivers 2.

Helldivers 2: Nine Game-Changing Tips You Need to Know
Arrowhead Game Studios

Helldivers 2 is the latest hit game from Arrowhead Game Studios. In this game, you are a citizen of Super Earth, and your job is to liberate other planets that have been invaded by two factions - the Terminids and the Automatons. After a brief tutorial, which teaches you the basics, you will jump into missions to fight a scourge of enemies. The game doesn't teach you much beyond the basics, and you will have to discover everything on your own. In this guide, we will teach you 8 game-changing tips that will instantly make you better at Helldivers 2.

8 Tips to Instantly Improve at Helldivers 2

Faster Reload Time

Magazines with at least 1 bullet remaining can be reloaded much faster compared to an empty one. This is true even for heavy machine guns, which typically take ages to reload. When you reload with bullets still in the magazine, your total bullet count will exceed the limit by one.

8 Tips to Instantly Improve at Helldivers 2
Arrowhead Game Studios



To see how many bullets are left in the magazine, simply press and hold the reload button ('R' on PC).

Weapon Modification

When discussing pressing the reload button, it's noteworthy that it not only displays your current ammo but also brings up a menu where you can modify your weapon. Different weapons feature various modifications. For example, Heavy Machine Guns can have their RPM adjusted, Sniper Rifles allow for changes in scope settings, and Assault Rifles offer different fire rates—automatic, burst, and single shot. Open the menu for each weapon to experiment with the available modifications.

8 Tips to Instantly Improve at Helldivers 2
Arrowhead Game Studios



Tactical Resupply

Before resupplying, reload your weapon if it has a partially empty magazine. This ensures you have an open magazine slot and maximizes the ammunition you receive.

8 Tips to Instantly Improve at Helldivers 2
Arrowhead Game Studios

Using a supply backpack benefits not only you but also allows you to restock your teammates' ammo, making it a strategic asset for heavy weapon users.

Utilize Heavy Armor on Defend Missions

If you've unlocked Heavy Body Armor, you may have noticed that it is not ideal for missions with large open areas where you need to traverse the entire map. However, it is perfect for defend missions, where the map is smaller. Heavy Body Armor offers increased protection at the cost of slower movement and stamina regeneration, which are less critical in stationary defense scenarios.

8 Tips to Instantly Improve at Helldivers 2
Arrowhead Game Studios



Toss Back Grenades

When facing the Automatons, you'll notice they throw grenades at you. You can pick them up and throw them back at the enemies, a useful tactic to clear threats or redirect the attack. Be aware of the prompts to toss grenades away from you and your team, potentially turning the tide of a skirmish. You can also throw away your teammates' grenades.

8 Tips to Instantly Improve at Helldivers 2
Arrowhead Game Studios

Using Stims on Your Teammates

Did you know you can use healing stims on teammates? When a teammate's health falls below 50%, a prompt will appear, allowing you to apply a stim. They also rapidly refill your stamina gauge, giving you a significant boost for a few seconds, which is especially useful when needing to sprint for longer periods.

8 Tips to Instantly Improve at Helldivers 2
Arrowhead Game Studios



Run and Shoot

Using one-handed weapons like sidearms and submachine guns allows you to shoot while moving without reducing your speed. Unlike two-handed weapons, which require you to stop and enter a firing stance, one-handed weapons let you shoot from the hip and maintain full mobility.

8 Tips to Instantly Improve at Helldivers 2
Arrowhead Game Studios



Moving Objects in Game

Moving objects in the game, such as the large ammo shells required for the artillery gun, takes ages. A simple trick is to throw them and then pick them up again. If you throw them at a 45-degree angle, you can also balance them on top of you and cover larger distances.

8 Tips to Instantly Improve at Helldivers 2
Arrowhead Game Studios



And that concludes our guide on 8 game-changing tips you need to know for Helldivers 2. Most of these tips are pretty simple, and they will instantly make you better at the game. For more Helldivers 2 guides, check the rest of our website.