Helldivers 2: All Planetary Hazards

We will take a look at the new Planetary Hazards in Helldivers 2 and how they will affect your fights.

Helldivers 2: All Planetary Hazards
Arrowhead Game Studios

In the first balance update to Helldivers 2, Arrowhead Game Studios has added Planetary Hazards. The game has never been easy and the developers are determined to make it even more challenging. The patch has seen many changes, nerfing some of the best weapons available, to the disappointment of some players. Luckily, Arrowhead has gifted us some buffs to other guns, possibly creating a change to the meta.

Here we will discuss the Planetary Hazards in Helldivers 2 more and look at the weather effects we know of. 

Helldivers 2 Planetary Hazard Blizzard
Helldivers 2 Planetary Hazards

Helldivers 2: What are Planetary Hazards?

According to the patch notes released by Arrowhead's developers, Planetary Hazards are environmental challenges that will appear on many planets during your deployment. These are extreme weather effects that could change the tide of battle, most likely not in our favor. 

As if the aliens and the automatons weren't enough, now we will have the weather to deal with. So far it is unsure how much the Planetary Hazards will affect the current meta but we will find out with time. 



Helldivers 2: The Different Types of Planetary Hazards

We are unsure if more weather effects will appear, but for now, these are the Helldivers 2 Planetary Hazards we know about. 

Meteor Storms

When Meteor Storms are active on your planet, be careful and keep an eye on the sky. You will find yourself in the middle of random meteor showers.

Rocks will crash into the planet, knocking you down and causing damage. Luckily, this also hurts the enemy so if you can find solid cover it may even work in your favor. Each shower lasts under a minute so don’t fret too much.

Helldivers 2 Planetary Hazard Blizzard
Helldivers 2 Blizzard

Volcanic Activity

Volcanic Activity is very similar to the Meteor Storm. A nearby volcano is throwing giant stones into the sky and they are heading for you. When they land, they will set fire to the ground, causing more chaos. 


Perhaps one of the least problematic hazards, the Tremors are earthquakes. When these start, they will slow everyone’s movement. You can use Tremors to your advantage as they also stun the enemy. Make sure you bring enough firepower to hold your ground or bring a Jump Pack to get out of any sticky situation you may be in.



Ion Storms

These Planetary Hazards don’t harm you in any way but can certainly cause you to lose a battle. Whenever the Ion Storms are above, you will be unable to use your Stratagems. They happen infrequently and don’t last very long. Be sure to have a solid loadout because your squad will be on its own without support.

Helldivers 2 Planetary Hazard Ion Storm
Helldivers 2 Ion Storm


This Planetary Hazard will be active for the whole mission. In the middle of a Blizzard, you will have reduced visibility in the storm, and the snow on the ground will slow your movement. Bring some close-range weapons because you won’t be able to see enemies coming until they are too close.

Rain Storms

Rain Storms cause only one problem and that is reduced visibility. It can be an issue but if you set up your loadout accordingly, you should be okay. So far we have seen no indication that the rain causes any reduction to the effectiveness of fire-based weapons.

Fire Tornadoes

We have yet to see the Fire Tornadoes in action. We can only assume these Hazards will tear across battlefields and cause fire damage.

Helldivers 2 Planetary Hazard Meteor Storm
Helldivers 2 Meteor Storm

These are the Planetary Hazards we know of. We will find out with time whether or not there are more to come. Arrowhead Game Studios had hidden this great update in a simple patch. Mixed reactions have come from players. Some are impressed while others are unsure about this new feature, already frustrated by the quick deaths meteors are causing.
