Helldivers 2: Game Master Joel and What He Can Do

It’s recently been revealed by Arrowhead CEO Johan Pilestedt that they have a secret weapon. A dev called Joel is playing the part of Game Master.

Helldivers 2 Game Master Joel And What He Can Do?
Arrowhead Game Studios

Who is Helldivers 2's Joel?

Recently during an exclusive interview, Arrowhead’s CEO Johan Pilestedt told us that a dev named Joel has taken the role of Game Master, an actual person aiming to hinder our fight and sometimes help. Here is what we know about the mysterious puppeteer.

What is a Game Master in Helldivers 2?

From what we know, the Game Master, essentially a modern Dungeon Master, is there to ensure we stay on track with what Arrowhead wants to happen.

If a planet is looking too easy for our forces, Joel is there to send more enemies our way. If we are having a hard time in certain areas, Joel can send help to reinforce us, with bonus stratagems.

We have a lot of systems built into the game where the Game Master has a lot of control over the play experience. It's something that we're continuously evolving based on what's happening in the game.

-Johan Pilestedt



How Much Control Does the Game Master Have in Helldivers 2?

Many of us are wondering just how much of the game does Joel control? Are our victories real or are they simply Joel letting us win? 

The good news is that while Joel does control a certain amount, he's not the god of Helldivers 2. His powers are not limitless. The Game Master says where the enemy will attack and when certain events are to be set in motion. Arrowhead has set plans for the story of Helldivers 2. Essentially they are creating a campaign not for a small group but for all players collectively. 

Helldivers 2 Automatons on Malevelon Creek
Helldivers 2 Automatons on Malevelon Creek

Arrowhead has said that Dungeons and Dragons is a huge inspiration for them and just like in the classic tabletop game, the Dungeon Master cannot control how we fight or when we win. It's simply their job to make sure the battle is worth fighting. 

If Arrowhead were the creators of Helldivers 2, it would seem that Joel is the enemy commander. In our fight for Liberty and Unity, Joel is our biggest foe and at times our hidden helper. 



What has Joel Done in Helldivers 2?

Pilestedt told us they are watching the connections we create with the individual planets carefully, most noticeably Malevelon Creek. Just as players thought they were close to liberating the planet, Automatons attacked overnight and are now completely in control. From what we heard, this was Joel's tactics. 

helldivers-2 malevelon creek falls battle
Helldivers 2 Malevelon Creek Falls

It's also been reported that on a few occasions when our community has been taking a planet far quicker than Arrowhead had anticipated, Joel has been woken in the middle of the night so he can send waves of Automatons to slow our progress. 

On the other hand, when players managed to take control of the Terminid planets, it happened sooner than the developers had expected.  There was some time before the Automatons would attack, so instead of leaving us with nothing to do for a whole day, they turned to the Game Master

So Joel, in his infinite wisdom decided, 'What happens when a faction wins a portion of a war? Well, they mine everything.'

-Johan Pilestedt

Hence, we all had 24 hours when the incendiary mine stratagem was available for free at all times. It may be a less obvious improvisation but it was Joel.

They are keeping some of what Joel has done and can do secret for now, wanting us to be surprised at what is coming. 



What do Players of Helldivers 2 Think of Joel?

Some players are saying that Joel is public enemy number one. Now they have a real person to take out their frustration on and are simultaneously impressed with his tactics. 

Others have said that knowing Joel may be behind every attack and battle has made complete immersion in the game difficult. It was easier to enjoy the game when they thought the giant bugs and bots were the enemy.

Now that we know about the Game Master, we can only wait for what else Joel can come up with. 

If you want to see the full interview with Arrowhead's CEO, you can find it here.

Helldivers 2 New mechs
Helldivers 2 New mechs

What's Next for Helldivers 2?

We don't know much about the road ahead but I'm sure Arrowhead has plans for the future, most likely with Joel in the center of them. 

Due to leaked footage, we know mechs and new vehicles are coming to Helldivers 2. Will the bugs make the next move or will it be the bots making another push? It will be up to the community to take them on. 
