Helldivers 2: How to Switch to First Person POV

In this guide, you will learn how to swap to First Person POV in Helldivers 2.

Helldivers 2: How to Switch to First Person POV
Arrowhead Game Studios

Helldivers 2 is the latest successful game taking over Steam. It is an intense top-down shooter that has gained popularity for its fast-paced action and cooperative gameplay. As Helldivers, your mission is to liberate planets from two invading factions: the Terminids and Automatons. While the default perspective in Helldivers 2 is a top-down view, some players might prefer switching to a first-person point of view (POV) for a more immersive experience. In this guide, we will show you how to swap from the standard third-person view to a first-person POV in Helldivers 2.

How to Switch to First Person POV in Helldivers 2
Arrowhead Game Studios



How to Switch to First Person POV in Helldivers 2

Switching to first-person view in Helldivers 2 is straightforward: simply press the right stick on a controller or the middle mouse button on a PC.

This switch can be made instantly at any time, provided you're already aiming down sights. Outside of this condition, entering first-person mode isn't possible. However, once you've switched to this view, the game will remember your preference and automatically enter a first-person perspective in future sessions until you decide to change it back.

How to Switch to First Person POV in Helldivers 2
Arrowhead Game Studios

Additionally, in the options menu, there is a 'Remember Aim Mode' setting. You can adjust this based on your preference, depending on how often you use the First Person Mode.



Here are the three settings:

  • OFF: Aiming always starts in third-person view aim mode.
  • Global: All weapons use the last selected aim mode.
  • Per Weapon: The last aim mode is stored per weapon.
How to Switch to First Person POV in Helldivers 2
Arrowhead Game Studios

There are clear benefits to changing your point of view in Helldivers 2. For instance, the precision offered by a first-person perspective can be crucial in long-distance engagements, particularly when using sniper rifles or semi-automatic rifles. However, this advantage might turn into a drawback during close-quarters combat, where the action becomes too intense, and enemies surround you from every direction.

And that is everything you need to know about how to switch to a first-person POV in Helldivers 2. We suggest using the 'Per Weapon' settings, as you will mostly be using this setting when shooting with sniper rifles. For more Helldivers 2 guides, check the rest of our website.
