Helldivers 2 Leaked Stratagems: Nuclear Bomb, Super Earth Troops & More

Tons of Helldivers 2 Stratagems were recently leaked and some of them sounds quite interesting..

Helldivers 2 Leaked Stratagems: Nuclear Bomb, Super Earth Troops & More
Arrowhead Game Studios

Stratagems are the bread and butter of any Helldivers 2 player, with dozens of options being available, each having different uses on the battlefield. From weapon drops to airstrikes, the game provides you with a ton of choices on how you want to deal with each mission objective. Recently, Arrowhead Game Studios added two new Stratagems, the MG-206 Heavy Machine Gun and the Quasar Cannon, which have quickly become fan favorites, especially against the Automaton Faction.

With the game having a ton of unreleased content, dataminers have managed to find some information about Stratagems that might be added in the near future. Here are some of these Stratagems, as well as descriptions on how they are going to work whenever they get released in Helldivers 2.

Helldivers 2 Leaked Stratagems
Arrowhead Game Studios



Helldivers 2 List of Leaked Stratagems

All of this information has been provided by Reddit user Mousettv, who has datamined and found clues on a ton of potential additions to the game. Keep in mind that some of these leaks might not make it into the full game, but some Stratagems, such as the recently added MG-206 Heavy Machine Gun and the Quasar Cannon, were also datamined a few weeks ago. If you are interested in even more leaks, you can click here to head over to the Reddit post in question. Here is the list of leaked Stratagems that we could see in the future of Helldivers 2:

Nuclear Bomb - ➡️⬆️⬅️➡️⬇️⬆️⬇️ 

  • Limited to 1 use.

Eagle Air-to-Air Missles - ⬆️ ➡️ ⬆️ ⬆️ 

  • Uses: 3
  • Homing air-to-air missles that can destroy most nearby flying targets. (30 yd range?) 

Super Earth Troop Support - ⬅️➡️➡️⬆️  

  • Cooldown: 60 seconds, 2 uses, no duration.
  • Summon a transport plane to airdrop 6 soldiers to the player. During the landing of the transport plane, it will randomly fire 3~12 cannons at nearby enemies within 80 meters to break heavy armor.
  • Airdrop 5 soldiers equipped with Liberator rifles and 1 soldier equipped with MG43 machine gun, a total of 6 infantry.
  • Weapons will drop after the infantry dies.



Carpet Bomb - ⬆️➡️⬆️➡️⬆️➡️

  • Uses: 3, 450 second cooldown.
  • 60 meter range from left to right. 

GL-21 Incendiary Grenade Launcher - ⬇️⬆️⬅️⬆️⬆️

  • 6 rounds, 5 mags, 36 total rounds.
  • Slower then the regular grenade launcher, can reload on the run.
  • Will cause an explosion and burning effect for 5 seconds, no armor pen.

AD-289 Angel - ⬇️➡️⬆️⬅️⬇️

  • Healing: 20/s
  • Upgrade: Increased healing energy reserves + mobile healing. Also heals NPCs, Mechs, Vehicles and Turrets. Mission entities will not be healed. Entering mechs/vehicles will return to user/mount on top of mech like other drones, will not heal while inside.

BX-7 Displacer Pack - ⬇️⬅️➡️⬇️⬅️➡️

  • Cooldown: 480 seconds.
  • The portable teleportation device will be activated at the moment the user is likely to receive a fatal blow.

That concludes the list of leaked Stratagems that might make their way into Helldivers 2 in the near future. Some of these, such as the Nuclear Bomb and the Super Earth Troop Support, sound really exciting and might lead to even more hilarious moments in the game. For more Helldivers 2 content, check out our dedicated section on the website!
