Helldivers 2 Quickplay Not Working: How to Fix Matchmaking Failure

Facing broken Helldivers 2 quickplay functionality? Learn proven fixes like toggling crossplay, switching regions and manually connecting to restore co-op access.

Helldivers 2 Quickplay Not Working: How to Fix Matchmaking Failure
Helldivers 2 Quickplay Not Working: How to Fix Matchmaking Failure

Since launch, enthusiastic Helldivers 2 fans quickly flooded servers resulting in widespread quickplay functionality breakdowns. While understandable post-release strain causes such temporary hiccups, repeated failed matchmaking attempts still frustrate players craving cooperative action.

Before simply abandoning efforts assembling squads altogether though, some proven stopgaps offer hope: directly connecting allies through friend features temporarily substitutes automated but inconsistent teambuilding queues for example. Or toggling parameters may ease congestion across overcrowded planets.

What is the "Quickplay Not Working" Error in Helldivers 2

What is the "Quickplay Not Working" Error in Helldivers 2
What is the "Quickplay Not Working" Error in Helldivers 2

Helldivers 2's touted multiplayer suffers connectivity issues for many players attempting to use quick-match features. Specifically, persistent "Failed To Join Game Session" messages prevent seamlessly finding allies through matchmaking queues.

This understandably diminishes enjoyment for fans eager to cooperate against invaders. While undeniably frustrating, the likely culprit involves temporary server strain from an influx of excited players since launch.

How to Fix "Quickplay Not Working" Error in Helldivers 2 

How to Fix "Quickplay Not Working" Error in Helldivers 2 
How to Fix "Quickplay Not Working" Error in Helldivers 2 

If automatic matchmaking fails, try the following troubleshooting steps:

  • Manually connect with allies instead through platform friends features or Helldiver's own cross-code buddy system
  • Toggle crossplay options to expand the player pool across PC and PlayStation
  • Simply retry quickplay repeatedly until eventually succeeding

Core quickplay functionality should normalize once server loads balance back out over time as hype settles post-release. But inconsistent results currently still understandably irritate fans eager to share glorious triumphs and hilarious defeats cooperating with allies.





Yet through manually establishing squads or simply hitting retry again and again, this won't stop determined Helldivers from eventually blasting bugs side by side. So keep calm and carry on until justice brings us back together through quickplay once again!

