Helldivers 2 Railgun Safe & Unsafe Modes Explained

Mastering the Railgun's unique safe and unsafe firing modes takes practice in Helldivers 2.

Helldivers 2 Railgun Safe & Unsafe Modes Explained
Arrowhead Game Studios

The Railgun is one of the most powerful weapons Helldivers can unlock in Arrowhead's acclaimed sequel. This deadly armament can blast through hordes of enemies or take out priority targets in a single piercing shot. However, mastering the Railgun's unique safe and unsafe firing modes takes practice. This article will explain all you need to know about the Railgun safe and unsafe modes in Helldivers 2.

What is the Railgun in Helldivers 2?

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Railgun in Helldivers 2

In Helldivers 2, the Railgun becomes available at level 20 from the Ship Management Terminal. It fires charged plasma bolts that penetrate multiple enemies for extreme damage, especially against hardened targets like Hulks.

Ammunition is limited, so the Railgun serves as specialized support for demolishing problematic enemies. It lacks automatic fire, requiring a new shot charge per use.



Switching Between Railgun Safe and Unsafe Modes

By default, the Railgun utilizes a safe firing mode which limits the charge level. This prevents potential accidents at minimal power cost. To enable the weapon's unsafe mode, you need to:

  • Hold the reload button
  • Then select the "unsafe" option

Repeat this process to switch back to safe mode. Check your current mode by attempting to charge a shot just shy of overheating.

Safe Mode Limits Potential in Helldivers 2

Railgun Safe Mode.png
Railgun Safe Mode

Although safe mode avoids self-inflicted casualties, it caps charge around 50% power. Shots won't reach their full armor-cracking potential against hordes or tough single targets. Still, safe functionality provides plenty of bang for the buck.

If sheer stopping power is needed against a boss or mob, it's time to live dangerously and activate the Railgun's unsafe capabilities.



Railgun Unsafe Mode Brings More Rewards

Unleashing unsafe mode removes the Railgun's training wheels, allowing shots to build up to 100% charge. This pays off enormously, vaporizing lesser bugs instantly and dealing crippling damage against bulky bots and exoskeletons. A skilled Helldiver can eliminate even a Menace with a well-placed unsafe rail shot.

However, unsafe operation introduces a lethal risk-reward dynamic. Exceed the weapon's maximum limit and it will violently explode, sacrificing its operator and making it dangerous for your nearby allies. Survival in using Railgun unsafe mode demands charge discipline.

Mastering the Railgun Unsafe Mode in Helldivers 2

Railgun Unsafe Mode in Helldivers 2png
Railgun Unsafe Mode in Helldivers 2

The key to harnessing unsafe mode is to closely monitor the charge level before firing. By switching to first-person perspective while aiming down sights, Helldivers can view the incremental buildup through the Railgun's glowing meter.

Once the meter approaches the redline 75-80% threshold, firing is necessary. This squeezes abundant hitting power out of unsafe mode while avoiding overloaded detonation blunders. 

Helldivers can switch their Railgun between safe and unsafe modes for different combat needs. New recruits should stick to safe mode, while veterans can enjoy the extra stopping power of unsafe shots. Just be cautious of overcharging and monitor the meter closely!
