Helldivers 2 Server Updates: When More Server Capacity is Expected

Helldivers 2 is facing server capacity issues due to unexpected popularity. Arrowhead is working to optimize infrastructure, but upgrades will take time.

Helldivers 2 Server Updates: When More Server Capacity is Expected
Helldivers 2 Server Updates: When More Server Capacity is Expected

The wildly popular Helldivers 2 has quickly run into server capacity issues due to huge player counts surpassing major multiplayer titles. Developer Arrowhead Game Studios is working hard to optimize and upgrade servers, but the process isn't as simple as just purchasing more hardware.

The Server Situation

Helldivers 2 Server Updates: When More Server Capacity is Expected
  • Helldivers 2 rapidly became the #1 top-selling game on Steam.
  • This huge influx of players has put a major strain on servers, leading to long wait times and connectivity issues
  • Arrowhead introduced a player cap of 450,000 to alleviate pressure, but problems persist

CEO Johan Pilestedt has been responding to players on Twitter about the problems. He explains that "it's not a matter of money or buying more servers. It's a matter of labor. We need to optimize the backend code." The priority is remodeling the game's infrastructure to handle larger loads.





Behind the Server Fixes

Helldivers 2
Helldivers 2 
Step Detail
Code Optimization Pilestedt says the engineering team needs to rewrite backend code to be more efficient at higher capacities
Infrastructure Upgrades Beyond coding fixes, the server hardware and architecture need expansion to support more concurrent players
Load Testing Any upgrades will need to be rigorously stress-tested before full implementation to avoid new issues

The CEO made it clear that the team requires independence to work without interference. He won't push or micromanage them, allowing the experts to address challenges systematically.

Timeline for Improvements

So when can fans expect some relief from server troubles? Pilestedt hasn't provided any specific timeline but reiterated that fixes are the #1 priority around the clock. With engineers fully focused on optimization, backend infrastructure revisions likely involve an iterative process spread over weeks or months. Significant changes probably won't arrive overnight.

In the meantime, Arrowhead plans to continue the player cap, which should adequately contain queues and connectivity problems, if not eliminate them. The studio wants fans to enjoy Helldivers 2 but urges frustrated players to wait for the full experience if possible.





There's no exact ETA for resolved servers, but Arrowhead's commitment to smooth gameplay is clear. As they lay server foundations capable of supporting Helldivers 2's immense popularity, fans may need patience through ongoing work. But with clever worldbuilding, addictive action, and the promise of even more polished content, this co-op shooter will be worth the wait.

