Helldivers 2: Top 5 Body Armors Ranked

Here's a quick guide that will show you the best Body Armors in Helldivers 2.

Helldivers 2: Top 5 Body Armors Ranked
Arrowhead Game Studios

Body Armor serves as the first line of defense in Helldivers 2 when battling against two factions: the Terminids and the Automatons. Each armor possesses unique stats and passives that assist you during combat. Depending on your playstyle, certain armors may prove to be more effective in specific situations. This guide will introduce you to the 5 best armors overall in Helldivers 2.

Top 5 Body Armors in Helldivers 2
Arrowhead Game Studios


Top 5 Body Armors in Helldivers 2

There are three types of armors in the game: Light, Medium, and Heavy. Each type offers different passive effects and combinations, which are consistent across each armor category. You can view the full list of Body Armors in our guide here: Every Body Armor List.

Our top choices are Light and Medium armors. Although Heavy armor allows you to withstand more damage, success in Helldivers 2 often hinges on moving through the battlefield undetected and frequently changing your position. Light armors offer the best stats for repositioning and moving stealthily.
These are the 5 best Body Armors in Helldivers 2 in our opinion:


SC-34 Infiltrator

SC-34 Infiltrator

  • Armor Rating: 075
  • Speed: 525
  • Stamina Regen: 113

Passive: Scout - Markers placed on the map will generate radar scans every 2.0s.
Reduces range in which enemies can detect the wearer by 30%.

This is our top pick for armor in Helldivers 2. It costs only 3 medals on the first page of the Warbond store. The SC-34 Infiltrator is one of the fastest armor in the game, allowing you to move around the map undetected swiftly. With its Scout passives, it enables you to scan every Point of Interest (POI), which is crucial for both team and solo play. 




DP-40 Hero of the Federation

DP-40 Hero of the Federation

  • Armor Rating: 100
  • Speed: 500
  • Stamina Regen: 100

Passive: Democracy Protects - 50% chance to not die when taking lethal damage.
Prevents all damage from bleeding if chest hemorrhages.

This is our second pick for the best armor in Helldivers 2. It costs 25 Medals on page 5 of the Warbond Store. While it is not as fast as the SC-34 Infiltrator, it is still speedy enough to avoid being chased down by the Terminids. With its passive effect, 'Democracy Protects,' this armor will save you from certain death many times. With this armor equipped, I have survived numerous times when my teammates were instantly killed by various one-shot attacks. 


CE-35 Trench Engineer

CE-35 Trench Engineer

  • Armor Rating: 100
  • Speed: 500
  • Stamina Regen: 100

Passive: Engineering Kit - Further reduces recoil when crouching or prone by 30%.
Increases initial inventory of holding capacity of grenades by +2.

This is another well-balanced medium armor. It costs 10 Medals on page 3 of the Warbond Store. The 'Engineering Kit' makes it great for players who prefer to stay stationary, away from the battlefield, and shoot with long-range weapons. The +2 grenade capacity makes this armor ideal for missions that require killing Terminid Nests or destroying Automaton Fabricators.




SC-30 Trailblazer Scout

SC-30 Trailblazer Scout

  • Armor Rating: 056
  • Speed: 544
  • Stamina Regen: 122

Passive: Scout - Markers placed on the map will generate radar scans every 2.0s.
Reduces range in which enemies can detect the wearer by 30%.

The SC-30 Trailblazer Scout is the fastest armor in the game, costing 50 Medals on page 7 of the Warbond Store. While it offers the same benefits as the SC-34 Infiltrator armor and ensures you'll be the fastest on the field, we've placed it at number 4 on our list due to its low armor rating. It is an excellent choice for players who wish to separate from their group and scout ahead.


CM-09 Bonesnapper

CM-09 Bonesnapper


  • Armor Rating: 100
  • Speed: 500
  • Stamina Regen: 100

Passive: Med-Kit - Increase initial inventory and holding capacity of stims by +2.
Increases stim effect duration by +2.0s.

The CM-09 Bonesnapper ranks number 5 on our list. It is another well-rounded armor, costing 15 Medals on page 4 of the Warbond Store. This armor is ideal for those who wish to take on a support role within their team. With its 'Med-Kit' passive effect, you can heal your teammates more effectively. Additionally, its +2.0s duration on stims allows you to take on a frontline role, staying ahead of your team and absorbing more damage.



And that concludes our guide to the top 5 Body Armors in Helldivers 2. Each of these armors has its purpose and will give you a great chance to complete your mission of spreading Democracy across the planets. For more Helldivers 2 guides, check the rest of our website.