How to Beat Bile Titans in Helldivers 2

In this guide, we will explore how to beat Bile Titans in Helldivers 2.

How to Beat Bile Titans in Helldivers 2
Arrowhead Game Studios

In your missions to liberate the planets in Helldivers 2, you will face many different monsters. One of the biggest ones from the Terminids faction is the Bile Titan. It is a giant bug that can crush you with its legs or instantly kill you with the toxins from its mouth. These giant monsters pose a significant challenge, requiring careful strategy and coordination to beat. If you find yourself facing off against these imposing foes, here are some tips to help you emerge victorious in the battle against Bile Titans.

How to Beat Bile Titans in Helldivers 2
Arrowhead Game Studios



How to Beat Bile Titans in Helldivers 2

Bile Titans often serve as primary objectives in extermination missions on the Challenging difficulty setting. However, when you venture into Hard difficulty or higher, these titans might randomly appear throughout the map. Their frequency seems to increase with the difficulty level, matching the significant challenge they present.

How to Beat Bile Titans in Helldivers 2
Arrowhead Game Studios

When facing a Bile Titan, the best way to defeat it is to aim for its mouth or back. The mouth becomes most vulnerable when it is spitting acid. Adopting this strategy will require a lot of teamwork, as you will need a Helldiver to distract it while you carefully aim your shots. Another effective strategy is to shoot at the joints of its legs. If you manage to break them, it will cause the Titan to move slower or become completely stationary, making it easier to target its other weak points.



If you or your teammates die, a smart move to cause a lot of damage is to land directly on it with your hellpod. Always mark the Bile Titans to help you steer the hellpod and land precisely on the marked target from above.

How to Beat Bile Titans in Helldivers 2
Arrowhead Game Studios

Best Stratagems to Kill Bile Titans in Helldivers 2

There are many different stratagems that can help you defeat the Bile Titans. If you've reached a high enough level, utilize the Eagle 500kg Bomb and aim it at the titan. Dropping this bomb can instantly eliminate the titan, but actually hitting the target can be challenging as enemies often dodge incoming stratagems. The Orbital Laser is another effective method to kill the Bile Titan, but it will take some time for the laser to finish it off.

How to Beat Bile Titans in Helldivers 2
Arrowhead Game Studios



For a more reliable way to defeat a Bile Titan, mark it for an Orbital Railcannon Strike. This attack will kill the titan, but keep in mind that you'll have to wait around five minutes before you can use the strike again.

Best Weapons to Kill Bile Titans in Helldivers 2

In Helldivers 2, the Recoilless Rifle, the Railgun and Expendable Anti-Tank (EAT) Launchers stand out as the premier portable weapons for inflicting significant damage on heavily-armored foes. Teams that synchronize well can form an effective Recoilless Rifle pair, with one member firing and the other reloading, to maximize efficiency. EAT launchers are equally effective, providing a strategic edge over Recoilless Rifles when dealing with swarms of smaller Terminids. Generally, launching three or four rockets at the mouth or back of a Bile Titan is enough to bring it down.

Best Stratagems to Kill Bile Titans in Helldivers 2
Arrowhead Game Studios

This wraps up everything you need to know about defeating Bile Titans in Helldivers 2. Remember, even if you lack the most powerful weapons or stratagems, coordination and teamwork can lead to victory against these formidable foes. For more Helldivers 2 guides, be sure to check the rest of our website.
