How to Catch or Breed Paladius in Palworld?

Full guide to obtaining the Paladius Legendary Pal in Palworld through natural hunts in extreme deserts or strategic breeding tactics.

How to Catch or Breed Paladius in Palworld?
How to Catch or Breed Paladius in Palworld?

Among Palworld's pantheon of illustrious Legendary creatures, few match the radiance and power of Paladius, an armored centaur wielding righteous strength. Successfully recruiting this noble Pal demands extensive preparations across equipment and strategy. Alternatively, players can also breed Paladius by furnishing specific parent matches. In this guide, you will find all the information you need to know on how to catch and breed Paladius in Palworld.

How to Catch Paladius in Palworld?

Paladius Location in Palworld
Paladius Location in Palworld

As a solitary Legendary encounter, players track down Paladius in a remote corner of the northeastern Dessicated Desert with coordinates (446, 681). 

Paladius always spawns alongside the ominous dark beast Necromus. Expect grueling showdowns with both titans attacking simultaneously. Victory demands specialized battle plans.

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Use Astegon to Capture Paladius

When confronting the Paladius and Necromus duo, you should start by summoning Astegon. As the singular Pal boasting Dark/Dragon elements, it devastates both Legendaries by targeting their shared weakness.

Otherwise, send high-level Dragon species to focus attacks on the sinister Necromus while avoiding his Dark moves. Reserve Dark creatures like Shadowbeak to lead strikes upon the vulnerable Paladius instead. Coordinate wisely and advance meticulously.

Before this epic confrontation, equip top-tier armaments, a squad of potent Pals, and abundant Legendary Spheres for capture attempts. Whittle down Paladius' health cautiously to enable eventually trapping your coveted prize. Persistence through such a grueling crucible paves the road for mastery.



How to Breed Paladius in Palworld?

While subduing creatures like Paladius proves monumentally difficult, breeders can sidestep such battles entirely. By furnishing two Paladius breeding parents, offspring emerge through standard incubation methods lacking danger. However, acquiring the initial Paladius specimens remains mandatory.

Pal Name Breeding Combination  Parent 1  Parent 2 

Paladius + Paladius

Paladius-1 Paladius-1




So whether tackling sword-wielding centaurs head-on amidst scorching sands or nurturing your stable bloodline, the majestic Paladius awaits determined tamers ready to claim this champion's unbelievable power by any means necessary. True dominance over Palworld hinges upon such accomplishments.

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