It's been a few weeks since the Avatar x Fortnite collaboration started, giving us plenty of time to advance in your Elements mini-pass. This pass includes two reward tracks: a free one and a Premium Rewards track, which costs 1000 V-Bucks. Players need to complete quests based on different Chakras—Water, Earth, Fire, Air, Sound, and Light—to earn these rewards. The quests for Water, Earth, Fire, and Air Chakras are already available, and today, the Sound Chakra quest has been unlocked. In this article, we will guide you step-by-step through each Sound Chakra quest, which is the fifth step to unlocking the Appa Glider in Fortnite Chapter 5 Season 2.

How To Complete Every Sound Chakra Quest in Fortnite
There are six tasks in the fifth set of quests from the Elements 'Bring Balance to the World' questline, which will unlock your Sound Chakra. In these challenges, you'll complete various tasks related to every Avatar Bending Mythic, helping you unlock your full Avatar potential. Although many of these quests are straightforward, some might be a bit more challenging to complete. Below, you'll find a list of these quests along with a step-by-step guide on how to finish each one.

- Hit opponents with firebending and earthbending in a single match (2) - 350 Chi

For the first part of the Sound Chakra quest, you need to strike opponents using both Firebending and Earthbending Mythics. There's no need for a specific amount of damage; a single hit with each is enough to progress the quest. You can target regular enemies, or, if you prefer to avoid conflict, aim for any Boss or their Henchmen. Start by using one of the Bending scrolls to attack, then switch to the other to hit again. You can find the Firebending and Earthbending scrolls at their respective Elemental Shrines. See the image below for the precise locations on the map.
- Use Air Wheel then damage opponents within 30 seconds (50) - 350 Chi

The second quest requires the Airbending Mythic and a weapon. While you can use your pickaxe to deal damage, a weapon makes it easier. After obtaining the Airbending Mythic, activate the Air Wheel mode which is its 'driving mode'. When you encounter an opponent, switch to your weapon and inflict 50 damage to complete the quest. Refer to the image below for the exact locations of the Airbending Shrines where you can find the Airbending Mythic.
- Launch an opponent with Rock Wall technique and heal in water using waterbending in the same match (2) - 350 Chi

For this quest, you need to launch an opponent using the Rock Wall technique, which is activated by the right mouse button, and then use the healing passive of the Waterbending Mythic. Like in previous quests, you can target either regular enemies or Bosses and their Henchmen. If you are at full health and need to take damage to use the healing passive, consider taking some fall damage. Once damaged, enter any water body to activate the Waterbending healing passive. Refer to the image below for the precise locations of the Water and Earth Shrines where you can find their corresponding Mythics.
- Visit shrines of every element (4)
For this challenge, you need to visit all four Elemental Shrines. If you've been following our guide, you should have already visited each shrine, completing the quest. If you're missing any, refer to the image below which shows the locations of every Elemental Shrine on the Fortnite map.
- Travel distance using either the Air Wheel or swimming with the waterbending scroll equiped (1,000)
This quest requires you to travel a distance of 1000 meters using either the Air Wheel from the Airbending Mythic or by swimming with the Waterbending Mythic. We recommend using the Air Wheel as it allows for much faster travel.

- Carry one of each type of Bending Scroll at the same time (1)
For the final challenge, you need to carry all four Bending Mythics simultaneously. If you've been completing all the quests in the same match, you should already have all four Mythics with you. If you're missing any, refer to the image above to locate and collect your missing scroll.

That concludes our guide on how to complete each Sound Chakra quest in Fortnite Chapter 5 Season 2. Remember, you must complete all six Chakras to unlock the Appa Glider. If you've missed any of the previous Chakras, check our guides below. For more Fortnite news and guides, please explore the rest of our website.
- How to Complete Every Water Chakra in Fortnite
- How to Complete Every Earth Chakra in Fortnite
- How to Complete Every Fire Chakra in Fortnite
- How to Complete Every Air Chakra in Fortnite
- Secret Tips & Tricks For Every Avatar Mythic