How to Get 100% Start Boost in Rocket Racing

Here's how to get the boost at the start of every race in Fortnite's Rocket Racing.

How to Get 100% Start Boost in Rocket Racing
Epic Games



Tired of eating dust at the start of every Rocket Racing circuit? Even if you learn every shortcut and master every corner, without the start boost, you'll be at a huge disadvantage in every race. This guide covers how to get a 100% starting boost at the beginning of every Rocket Racing race, and it's much easier than you think.

Rocket Racing: How to Get the Start Boost

red lights.jpg
Epic Games



To get the start boost, you must hit your forward (accelerate) key at the perfect moment during the race countdown. The better your timing, the more boost you'll get up to a maximum of 100%. So, what's the secret?

At the beginning of the race, a countdown will begin in the form of 4 red lights which turn on in a sequence. As the fourth and final light turns on, this is when you hit the gas. The closer you hit the gas to when the fourth red light turns on, the bigger your starting boost. Seems simple, however, there's a catch.

Starting Boost in Rocket Racing:

Epic Games



Your objective is always to accelerate as the fourth and final red light turns on, however, these starting lights will always activate at different speeds. This means the timing changes with every race. You'll have to watch and listen to the rhythm by which the red lights are activating to ensure you are accelerating at the perfect moment each race. Time it right, and the 100% starter boost will be yours on every Rocket Racing circuit!