Honey is a valuable food resource in Manor Lords that provides variety to your settlement's diet. To get honey, you must first unlock the Beekeeping Development branch. This allows you to build the Apiaries, the buildings that produce honey. In this article, you will discover a complete step-by-step guide on how to get and use Honey in Manor Lords.
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How to Get Honey in Manor Lords

Here are the steps you need to take to be able to get Honey in your settlement:
Unlocking Beekeeping Development Branch
To unlock the Beekeeping Development branch, spend a Development Point on the corresponding node in the Technology Tree. With Beekeeping researched, the Apiary becomes available under the Gathering tab of the Building menu.
Build an Apiary
Each Apiary requires 2 Planks to build. The surrounding region can support up to 2 Apiaries by default. Building additional Apiaries beyond this limit will not increase honey production. Apiaries have 4 worker slots and do not require any raw materials to function.
How to Use Honey in Manor Lords

Honey is automatically distributed to the citizens using food carts once they are produced. Having multiple food types like honey is important because it can help you upgrade your Burgage Plots and maintain a content population. Invest in Apiaries early on to diversify the food supply.
Advanced Beekeeping in Manor Lords
In the Beekeeping development branch, you can find the Advanced Beekeeping option. Researching this lets Apiaries to also produce Wax, which is handy for crafting. Consider unlocking Advanced Beekeeping to maximize the utility of your Apiaries.
To succeed in Manor Lords, focus on getting a reliable honey source. Make Beekeeping a priority and build Apiaries in each region. This will give you plenty of different food options and help your settlement thrive!