How to Get Rayhound in Palworld - Catching & Breeding Guide

Full guide to obtaining the Rayhound Pal in Palworld through natural capture methods across deserts or strategic breeding combinations.

How to Get Rayhound in Palworld - Catching & Breeding Guide
How to Get Rayhound in Palworld - Catching & Breeding Guide

The electric canine Pal known as Rayhound stands as a versatile powerhouse addition for Palworld teams. Its innate Jumping Force ability enables swift traversal and double jumps while mounted, alongside respectable electric attacks. Capturing a Rayhound demands braving hazardous climes, but breeding alternatives exist too. This guide covers effective methods on how to get Rayhound in Palworld.

How to Catch Rayhound in Palworld?

Rayhound Location in Palworld
Rayhound Location in Palworld

In the wild, Rayhound packs congregate within deserts in Palworld's northeast quadrant, primarily around the Deep Sand Dunes. As level 30+ spawns, confronting Rayhounds poses threats from both high temperatures and combat prowess without proper preparations.

Stock up on cooling items, high-tier Spheres like Hyper Spheres, and well-trained ground-type Pals before expeditions. Utilize long-range or aerial assaults to whittle down Rayhound health, then capture weakened targets. Repeat hunts may prove necessary given the harsh conditions hampering progress. 



How to Breed Rayhound in Palworld?

While capturing wild Rayhounds holds merit, breeding offers controlled incubation with specific parent pairings. This circumvents dangerous trips across scorching sands and eliminates the guesswork for variables like gender ratios. 

Pal Name Breeding Combination  Parent 1  Parent 2 

Penking + Caprity

Penking-1 download__11_-removebg-preview.png

Celaray + Incineram

download__12_-removebg-preview.png Incineram

Direhowl + Nitewing

Direhowl download__16_-removebg-preview.png

The Peninsula starting zone contains one excellent breeding ingredient - the fiery level 15 boss Penking Defeating Penking and capturing a companion Caprity enables Rayhound breeding with easily obtained species.




Is Catching Rayhound Worth in Palworld?

Rayhound in Palworld
Rayhound in Palworld

Once a Rayhound joins your squad, consider valuable crossbreeding opportunities too. Rayhound plus compatible parents can ultimately unlock Dinossom Lux, Grizzbolt, Anubis, and other formidable monsters. Investing in a Rayhound foundation early therefore facilitates long-term team power.



In summary, players seeking the high-performing Rayhound Pal benefit from learning where this electric canine spawns, and what alternate combinations can breed fresh specimens. Following the above guidance will net worthy pack hunters. Now get catching!

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