Vixy is an adorable fox-like Pal in Palworld that can provide great utility, especially in the early game. With abilities like Dig Here! that produce useful items, Vixy is a must-have addition to your roster. This guide covers everything you need to know about getting Vixy in Palworld, including its location, drops, and top breeding combinations.
Vixy Location in Palworld and How to Get it

Vixy stays in the central and southern regions of the Palworld map, mostly around the Desolate Church area. Specifically, Vixy can be found roaming the mountainous terrain filled with orange trees south of the Desolate Church. This area features a beach, a huge stone bridge, and red trees where Vixy wanders during both day and night.
Check Vixy’s habitat map in your Paldeck to see the exact zones painted orange for daytime and blue for night. Using the Small Settlement fast travel point just south of the Desolate Church is the quickest way to access Vixy’s area.
Tips on How to Get Vixy in Palworld:
As a level 5-6 Pal, Vixy only requires a standard Pal Sphere for capture. However, you have to be careful with its Air Cannon skill. Time your dodges well and counterattack with a bow and arrow for big damage. Bringing a Dark type Pal to exploit Vixy’s Neutral element weakness also helps you catch it more easily.
Vixy Type, Drops, and Element in Palworld

- Paldeck Number: #14
- Element Type: Neutral
- Work Suitability: Gathering Lv. 1, Farming Lv. 1 - Various
- Partner Skill: Dig Here!
Defeating Vixy nets crafting materials like Leather or Bone. Though it lacks impressive battle capabilities, Vixy’s real value lies in its Ranch abilities. Vixy Sometimes digs up items from the ground when assigned to the Ranch.
Assigning Vixy to your Ranch allows its Dig Here! skill to activate. Vixy can dig Gold Coins, Arrows, and even extra Pal Spheres, which can be a huge early game boost.
Vixy Breeding Combos
If catching Vixy proves difficult, breeding it is an alternative. Here are some of the top Vixy breeding combinations:
Parent 1 | Parent 2 |
Lamball | Lifmunk |
Chikipi | Foxparks |
Cattiva | Lifmunk |
Foxparks | Teafant |
Sparkit | Teafant |
Vixy | Vixy |
Vixy works as an excellent parent too when breeding other rare Pals:
Parent 1 | Parent 2 | Child |
Cattiva | Vixy | Cremis |
Penking | Vixy | Fenglope |
Vixy | Mossanda | Lovander |
Fuack | Vixy | Hoocrates |
Lamball | Vixy | Cattiva |
Vixy | Teafant | Lamball |
Vixy | Celaray | Wixe |
With valuable digging skills that generate free Pal Spheres, Vixy should be on every Palworld player’s early game checklist. Catch Vixy in the wilds near the Desolate Church or breed it using the combos above, then let it passively farm spheres! Good luck!