Healthy and mentally stable Pals are essential for maintaining a fully automated base in Palworld. If you don't meet your Pals' needs, they will slack off and fail to do the work you assign to them. In this guide, you will learn how to manage your Pals' SAN and keep them happy.

What is Pal Mental Stability in Palworld
Pals have three indicators that you need to monitor: the green bar represents their health, the orange one their hunger, and the last one is their Sanity (SAN).

If the SAN indicator goes down, your Pal will not be happy and won't want to do the work you assign it. It will become upset and constantly take breaks.

How To Increase Pals' SAN in Palworld
Here's what you need to do to maintain your Pals' Mental Stability and increase their SAN:
Make Pal Beds: Every Pal assigned to your base will need its own bed. Start with a Straw Pal Bed, which you can unlock early on in the Technology tab. At Level 24, you can upgrade to a Fluffy Pal Bed for better HP and SAN recovery.

Keep the Feed Boxes Full: Pals get hungry all the time. Ensuring their Feed Boxes are always filled with food is crucial to avoid the constant message 'Your Pals are hungry'. Initially, use Berries and Mushrooms, but cooked food like Baked Berries and Fried Eggs is better and will satisfy your Pals more quickly.

Use the Palbox for Rest: Pals regain their SAN in the Palbox. If you have multiple workers, rotate them and place them in their Palbox to regain their lost sanity.

Build a Hot Spring: Everyone loves a good bath. At Level 9, you can build a Hot Spring. This serves as your Pals' personal relaxation spot. When Pals use it, they relax and are able to get back to work faster.

To build one, you'll need 30 Wood, 15 Stone, 10 Paldium Fragments, and 10 Pal Fluids.

Pet Your Pals: Showing affection to your Pals by petting them will increase their mental stability. On a PC, press and hold '4' on your keyboard and select the pet command. This will make your Pal happy and boost its sanity.

And that concludes our guide on how to increase Pal Mental Stability in Palworld. Keeping your Pals' SAN high is key for the automation of your base. For more Palworld guides, check the rest of our website.