How To Max Your Weapons in One Hour in MWZ

Here's a quick guide that will show you the fastest ways to level your weapons in Modern Warfare 3 Zombies.

How To Max Your Weapons in One Hour in MWZ

Looking to cut down on the time it takes to level up your weapon? Well, you're in luck! Our guide is here to provide you with simple steps that will have your gun maxed out in no time.

Modern Warfare 3 Zombies has introduced a bunch of new contracts in its recent update, and although the XP farming landscape has shifted, there's still a way to max out your weapon's level in less than an hour. Forget the timers; we're focusing on contracts where you control the clock.



Satellite Dish Contract - Outlast Mission

Max Your Weapon Under One hour MWZ
  • Activate the machine and behold—no timer, just a progress bar.


Max Your Weapon Under One hour MWZ
  • The progress bar rises when you're near the machine but decreases when you step outside.


Max Your Weapon Under One hour MWZ
  • Zombies continuously spawn in bunches of 10 to 15 until you complete the contract.
  • Enter and exit the machine's vicinity, ensuring the progress bar doesn't hit zero or 100%.



Egg Contract - Spore Control

Max Your Weapon Under One hour MWZ
  • Start the contract by placing an egg on one of the machines.


Max Your Weapon Under One hour MWZ
  • Zombies spawn continuously with no mission timer.


Max Your Weapon Under One hour MWZ
  • Experiment with your position to optimize zombie spawns.
  • Don't complete the contract; keep farming zombies indefinitely.



Tips for Efficient Leveling:

  • Be cautious of the soft level cap in MW3 Zombies, making leveling significantly slower after a certain point.
  • With a double XP token, the cap is around level 12 to 13; without it, it's around level 6 to 7.
  • Pack-a-Punch your weapon for faster kills and spawns.
  • Consider doing two contracts in one run for maximum efficiency.
  • This XP farming method is efficient and may not be impacted by potential future updates.
  • Keep an eye on the progress bar, and don't accidentally complete the contract.



Leveling Beyond the Cap:

  • Modern Warfare 3 Zombies has implemented a soft level cap to slow down weapon progression.
  • After reaching the cap, it becomes increasingly difficult to level up.
  • The most efficient strategy is to Xfil (extraction) around level 12 to 13, as leveling past this point is time-consuming



And there you have it, your comprehensive guide on leveling up your weapon in under an hour. Armed with these tips, you're now equipped to speed through the ranks and boost your weapon proficiency in record time. Get out there, survive the onslaught, and watch as your arsenal becomes a true force to be reckoned with!

Check out our guide on How to Get Unlimited Essence in MWZ here.
