How to Obtain Ice Organs in Palworld - Farming Locations & Use Explained

Guide on How to Get Ice Organs in Palworld - hunting Ice Pals like Pengullets, merchant locations, craftable upgrades needing this resource.

How to Obtain Ice Organs in Palworld - Farming Locations & Use Explained
How to Obtain Ice Organs in Palworld - Farming Locations & Use Explained


Among the many crafting materials scattered throughout the creature-collecting survival game Palworld, the chilly Ice Organ persists as an especially valuable find. Producing refrigeration devices, winter armor sets, and more demands stockpiling this rare component. Luckily, various methods exist to farm reliable Ice Organ hauls once familiar with ideal hunting grounds and merchant shopkeepers. In this article, you will find all the information you need to know about how to obtain Ice Organs in Palworld.

How to Get Ice Organs in Palworld?

How to Get Ice Organs in Palworld?
How to Get Ice Organs in Palworld?

Ice Organs primarily originate from slaying or capturing Palworld inhabitants attuned with cold climates and ice elements. Fourteen creatures currently qualify, with Pengullet representing the most common early game example roaming across multiple biomes. Check your in-game creature catalog for every monster capable of yielding Ice Organs.

Alternatively, trade for Ice Organs by visiting wandering merchant gatherings willing to sell individual Organs for 100 gold each. However, the one documented shopkeeper residing in the desert settlement of Duneshelter deals in this commodity. 



Ideal Early Farming Target - Pengullet

Ideal Early Farming Target - Pengullet
Ideal Early Farming Target - Pengullet

While any ice beast provides Ice Organs, early game players should specifically focus efforts on hunting and capturing wild Pengullets. These penguin creatures rank lowest among all cold-based entities, minimizing confrontation danger.

Pengullets also emerge across a wide horizontal stretch of territories west of the starter Plateau of the Beginnings zone. 



Use of Ice Organs in Palworld

Obtaining Ice Organs enables the fabrication of various helpful equipment to brave harsh winter zones. Key examples demanding hefty Ice Organ amounts include:

  • Armor Sets - Metal, Pal Metal, Pelt and Refined Metal variants
  • Ice Damage Weapons - Ice Grenades
  • Refrigeration Stations - Cooler Boxes, Electric Coolers and Refrigerators
  • Ice Mounts - Saddles for Frostallion, Ice Reptyro, Reindrix, Vanwyrm Cryst and Wumpo Pals

Check your crafting menus, technology tree, and workbenches to discover all recipes dependent on Ice Organ quantities dropping from hapless Pengullets. Then harvest enough to unlock your next survival upgrade.



In summary, those seeking Ice Organs in Palworld must explore freezing climes battling indigenous beasts or barter with very specific wandering merchants. Either method works, but concentrating Pengullet hunts across their westward territory proves most efficient for early game Ice Organ farming efforts. Utilize your map tools to pinpoint Pengullet dens and harvest away.

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