Gun Game is a user-created mode, popular across numerous FPS titles. Scoring an elimination with your weapon will automatically switch you to the next weapon in a premade list. Once you've got a kill with every weapon, you win. So, how do you play Gun Game in Fortnite?
Can I Play Gun Game in Fortnite?
You can! User-created lobbies perfectly emulate the rules of Gun Game. Choose from Gun Games that cycle through 50 weapons or 100, lobbies with the 'original' Gun Game rule set or lobbies with exclusively Mythic quality weapons. The choice is yours!
The OG Gun Game:
The original Gun Game.
Island code: 1032 2690 5714 (spaces removed)
- 20 players max
- Free-for-all
- First to 50 kills wins (50 guns)
Mythic Gun Game:
Gun Game with a few more players and a lot more spice behind your weaponry.
Island code: 4073 6353 7063 (spaces removed)
- 24 players max
- Free-for-all
- Mythic, Gold and Exotic weapons are common
- First to 100 kills wins (100 guns)
You Think You're the King?!
The ultimate Gun Game lobby for extremely long games and a ludicrous amount of guns to hop through!
Island code: 3683 3394 5989 (spaces removed)
- 16 players max
- Free-for-all
- 1 shot mode activated
- First to 1000 kills wins (1000 guns)
Inputting Map Codes:
To find your Gun Game lobby, head into the search menu in Fortnite (by hitting the magnifying glass button shown below) and enter one of the map codes listed above. Nice and easy!