Infinite Craft Guide: How to Make a Man

In this article you will find all the information you need to know how to make a Man in Infinite Craft.

Infinite Craft Guide: How to Make a Man in Infinite Craft?
Infinite Craft Guide: How to Make a Man in Infinite Craft?

In the imaginative world of Infinite Craft, you can create and combine elements to build anything you can envision. One special creation is crafting the symbolic first man. With the right steps and ingredients, making a man in Infinite Craft allows you to reimagine the dawn of humanity.

To make a man in Infinite Craft, start by building basic elements like steam, mud, and fog to form the planet Venus. Then combine Venus and mud to construct Adam. Finally, add Adam and Earth together to generate a man.

How to Make a Man in Infinite Craft: Step-by-Step Process

How to Make a Man in Infinite Craft: Step-by-Step Process
How to Make a Man in Infinite Craft: Step-by-Step Process

Follow these steps carefully to craft the first man in Infinite Craft:

  1. Mix Water and Fire to create Steam.
  2. Combine Steam and Earth to form Mud.
  3. Blend Earth and Wind to produce Dust.
  4. Add Dust and Earth together to generate the Planet base element.
  5. Merge Wind and Fire to create Smoke.
  6. Mix Smoke and Water to construct Fog.
  7. Combine Planet and Fog to make the world Venus.
  8. Add Venus and Mud together to build the first man, Adam.
  9. Finally, merge Adam and Earth to create the Man.





Here's a handy crafting table outlining the full process:

Starting Ingredients Result
Water + Fire Steam
Steam + Earth Mud
Earth + Wind Dust
Dust + Earth Planet
Wind + Fire Smoke
Smoke + Water Fog
Planet + Fog Venus
Venus + Mud Adam
Adam + Earth Man





Creating a man is an achievement in Infinite Craft. It unlocks the potential to craft other human archetypes. With the essential crafting of a man complete, you can now focus on populating the vast world of Infinite Craft.

Follow the 9 steps carefully outlined above to craft mankind's biblical origin story. With practice and patience, generating the first man will soon become second nature. Feel free to experiment and customize as you master this integral piece of human crafting.

Read our other guides on Infinite Craft as well:

