Infinite Craft Guide: How to Make Alien

In this article you will find all the information you need to know on how to make an alien in Infinite Craft.

Infinite Craft Guide: How to Make Alien in Infinite Craft?
Infinite Craft Guide: How to Make Alien in Infinite Craft?

The freeform creativity of Infinite Craft allows merging various concepts to produce unexpected results. One such unusual combination involves making extraterrestrial life by blending earthly and cosmic ingredients. Follow the steps below to cook up your very own alien.

Overview of the Crafting Process

Making an alien requires building up from fundamental components:

  • First, create the planet Mars
  • Then add Mars to Earth to craft Life
  • Lastly, add Life to Mars to make Aliens

With just a handful of basic materials, you'll unlock new sci-fi recipe options.

How to Make Alien in Infinite Craft?

Below is the step-by-step process you would need to follow to craft Mars in Infinite Craft:

Making the Mars Planet

How to Make Alien in Infinite Craft?
How to Make Alien in Infinite Craft?

Mars takes shape from Brick and Planet:

Step Ingredients Result
1 Earth + Wind Dust
Dust + Water Mud
3 Mud + Earth Clay
4 Dust + Earth Planet
5 Clay + Clay Brick
6 Planet + Brick Mars





Introducing Life

How to Make Alien in Infinite Craft?
How to Make Alien in Infinite Craft?

Life arises simply by mixing Mars and Earth:

Ingredients Result
Mars + Earth Life





Spawning Your Alien

How to Make Alien in Infinite Craft?
How to Make Alien in Infinite Craft?

With Life and Mars in hand, fuse them to create your very own alien:

Ingredients Result
Life + Mars Alien





How to Use Alien in Infinite Craft

How to Use Alien in Infinite Craft
How to Use Alien in Infinite Craft

Once crafted, you open up endless possibilities to use Alien alongside other elements. A few of those examples are listed below: 

  • Alien + Mars = Martian
  • Alien + Earth = UFO
  • Alien + Eternity = Time Travel





The power of imagination enables even aliens to take form. Now enjoy exploring Infinite Craft's endless recipe possibilities!

Read our other guides on Infinite Craft as well:

